Phenotyping in large-scale screens Lisa Donovan Andries Temme University of Georgia
Overview of all large-scale phenotypic screens with SAM for GWAS StressField screens (plots, seed yield) Greenhouse & Growth-room screens (indiv. plants, biomass) DroughtDREC, CA (Donovan)UGA (Masalia) Low nutrientsUgandaUGA (Donovan) SaltSaskatchawanUGA (Burke) FloodingNorth DakotaUBC (Gao)
Drought stress screen at DREC: Desert Research & Extension Center, Imperial, Valley Experimental design 288 lines x 2 treatments (control, stressed) x 3-4 reps additional plots for destructive harvest for 20 lines Tractor-mounted sensor-based high-throughput phenotyping Height*, Canopy temperature*, Reflectance*: NDVI*, CWSI*, LAI* Traditional phenotyping Leaf 13C*, N*, area, shape, SLA, chlorophyll content, NDVI, LAI Phenology*, height, stem diameter, biomass, RGR, RMR, roots
Low Nutrient Stress preliminary study at UGA Fall 2015 (Alan Bowsher) Purpose: choose nutrient levels and most informative phenotypes for large scale screen “Core 12” lines x 3 reps each treatment 2 and harvest stages Nutrient treatments 8 levels 0, 2, 4, 8,12, 20, 30, 40 g osmocote, for plants harvested at R2 budding stage Traits Traditional leaf traits similar to drought study, plus nutrient resorption proficiency Phenology, height, stem diameters, biomass (fine roots, coarse roots, stem, leaf, reproductive)
Stem Diameter (mm) Nutrient Treatment Level (g of Osmocote) Harvested at Budding Stage
Next: Low Nutrient Stress Screen, Summer 2016 288 lines x 3-4 reps x 2 treatment (control, stressed) Most informative phenotypes from preliminary study, possibly: Traditional leaf traits similar to drought study Phenology, height, stem diameters, biomass (fine roots, coarse roots, stem, leaf, reproductive)
After screens: mechanistic analysis of stress resistance Contrast height and low stress resistance lines Multiple experiments, lines & time points for each stress Detailed physiological characterization Transcriptional responses