Crowded Earth This term we will be looking at the world’s growing population. We will study China – the country with the highest number of people on Earth.


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Presentation transcript:

Crowded Earth This term we will be looking at the world’s growing population. We will study China – the country with the highest number of people on Earth. We will look at why people move and how some are forced to do this illegally.

How many people are there in the world? To explain why the Earth’s population is growing so quickly To discover the affects this will have on us all Key terms: Birth rate, death rate, population growth N

Starter Write down a NIF as you watch this. It will probably be a statistic!

How fast is the world’s population growing? Population means the number of people living in an area. The world’s population is now over 7,000,000,000 (that’s 7 billion). But how fast is it growing? To work out the answer you need to first understand the terms BIRTH RATE, DEATH RATE and POPULATION GROWTH. Let’s read the sheet.

Birth Rate Birth rate: tells us how many babies are born every year. It is written as a fraction out of The world’s birth rate is 19/1000. Or 19 births per 1000 people in the world. Note: this results in about 252 worldwide births per minute or 4.2 births every second!

Death Rate Death rate: tells us how many people die every year. It is written as a fraction out of The world’s death rate is 8/1000. Or 8 deaths per 1000 people in the world. Note: this rate results in about 107 worldwide deaths per minute or 1.8 deaths every second!

Filling Up?

Population Growth Population growth tells us how fast the world’s population is growing. To work out population growth you have to find the difference between birth and death rate (remember the glasses in the video). The world’s population is growing by 1.1% every year. This works out as 200,000 people a day!

Questions 1.What is birth rate? 2.What is death rate? 3.How many births and deaths are there every second? 4.What is population growth? 5.How much is our population growing every year? 6.What are some of the potential problems of a growing population?

The Issues

More people on Earth than ever before This could have been the world's seven BILLIONTH baby. Nargis was born in India on 31 October The United Nations (UN) picked a number of babies all over the world to represent Baby 7 Billion. Nargis, one of the 7 Billionth babies!

A note to Baby 7 Billion It’s up to you to write a letter to Baby 7 Billion. What will you tell them? What advice do you have? How do you want them to treat the Earth? What issues will they face into the future? /oct/31/baby-7-billion-dear-kid

Which number? /1000 8/1000