CZECH ADVERTISEMENT Marketing communication and PR Petra Karbanova
Czech Republic
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BOBIKA For better understanding At the beginning the woman carrying a dog said: „Could you look after my Bobika?“ In the end it's said: „Go to the place, where they can understand you.“ Centrum is a Czech web search engine ( Can you understand it?
BOBIKA I like this advertisement because: It‘s easy to understand It‘s funny The song I can watch it everyday and I'm never fed up with it Everyone knows it It‘s easily remembered Czech people like advertisements with a bit of humor
BOBIKA I don‘t like this advertisement because: At the beginning you don‘t know what it stands for The connection between Centrum and Bobika is not so clear Eating dogs can be for someone disgusting
BOBIKA How much do you like this advertisement? Do you think it is accurate? Do you have better idea how to improve connection between the product (Centrum) and the whole advertisement?
All comments and ideas are welcome!