News from the MUS Group secretariat February 2010
Action points previous meeting 2 pagers for MUS Group/FAO publication: see agenda item CPWF synthesis paper: see agenda point Gerardo van Halsema to check whether WUR would become core member: nothing heard back UN task force: see agenda point Membership survey: not done Technical request MASSCOTE: pending Workshop on CBA indicators: done Update website with info on funders: done Updating governance guidelines: done
Activities: information management Newsletters: July 2009 and Dec 2010 – inputs solicited for March/April version list: – Around 350 members; 320 effective? – Membership automatically cleaned, but manual cleaning still needed – No membership survey done Website: regularly updated Climbing water ladder: mailed around (supported by CPWF) Special issue of WaterLines – with various contributions from the Group Translation: – Climbing water ladder into Spanish – being finalised – MUS in Colombia (by Cinara) – Ideas for French translations?
Activities: technical exchange Visits from first round completed: – RAIN and RiPPLE in Ethiopia – Winrock in Niger One new request received: – WEDC and Cinara on technology options for MUS in Colombia One open slot: MASSMUS?
Activities: networking Proposal for chapter of MUS Group in Latin America – Cinara Request for briefing on MUS at KfW – June Request for session for WASH Coalitions at WSSCC - May
Funding FAOWSSCC ItemBudget (US$)ItemBudget (Euro) Honorarium and travel costs secretariat Support participants from South to meetings Support participants from South to meetings Technical exchange facility Translation of documents Meeting/event costs2.300 Admin costs IRC (10%)2.700 Total
Opportunities EU Water Facility? Spanish call for proposals on networks Others...