José Faustino Blanco Chía National University of Colombia Geosciences Department
Issue The principal goal is to find the velocity structure in Colombia to improve the location of local earthquakes.
Data The data come from the Colombian National Seismic Network (RSNC), from 1993 to present. Most of the data come from weak earthquakes, M L <5.0. Waveforms recorded using EARTHWORM. Earthquakes located using SEISAN. One velocity model for the whole country.
Colombian National Seismic Network , short period sensors , one broad-band station , 31 new broad band stations
Tectonic context
Geologic terrains in Colombia
Colombia Seismological Stations
Seismicity RSNC
Shallow Seismicity RSNC
Current velocity model
Shallow data
Parameters of choosen events Shallow seismicity < 50 km GAP < 180 Minimum number stations 6 Minumum Local Magnitude 2.0 Total seismos selected 2879
Questions How do we use the data from earthquake nests Bucaramanga, for example? Is it a good idea to use only shallow seismicity? Is it a good idea to use teleseismic data?