Aim: Explain Progressivism and why it began in the late 1800s? Do Now: What were the negatives of Industrialization?
Aim: How did Theodore Roosevelt carry out Progressive Reforms? Do Now: What do you think Progressivism means?
Aim: How did Theodore Roosevelt carry out Progressive Reforms? Do Now: Take out Theodore Roosevelt worksheet answers
Poverty and slums Poor working conditions Big corporations – power over government and economy
Reform movement seeking to return control of government to the people, restore economic opportunities, and correct injustices POLITICAL movement
Trusts – combinations of businesses Eliminated competition Sherman Antitrust Act 1890 – illegal for corporations to gain control of industries by forming trusts Enforcement was weak
N.Y. Governor President after McKinley is assassinated Youngest person ever to become president
Writers who began to expose corruption in American society Ida Tarbell – accused Standard Oil of using unfair tactics to force small companies out of business Upton Sinclair – The Jungle Poor sanitation of meat packing industries
Launch investigation of meat packing industry 1906 – Meat Inspection Act Inspection program Pure Food and Drug Act Ban sale of impure foods and medicines
United Mine Workers of America Coal workers on strike in Pennsylvania Coal needed to provide heat for winter T.R. says he will send in troops Compromise between union and owners “Square deal” for all
Break up monopolies and trusts Use Sherman Anti-trust Act (1890) Northern Securities Company J.P. Morgan’s Railroad Standard Oil Company Rockefeller
Aim: How was the U.S. able to build the Panama Canal and what was its importance? Do Now: Is it right for the U.S. to constantly be involved in world affairs? Why or why not?
Fastest mode of travel was by ship Getting from Atlantic to Pacific Around tip of South America
Best spot for canal to link Atlantic and Pacific Colombia - Isthmus of Panama Colombia unwilling to give up land Rebellion taking place in Colombia
T.R. sends in Navy to support revolution (our business?) Rebels defeat Colombian government – Panama is founded 1903 Panama sells land to U.S. $10 million and $250,000 a year
Great White Fleet “Speak softly and carry a big stick” U.S. dominant in Western Hemisphere Corollary – expands Monroe Doctrine in saying U.S. will act as a “policeman” in Latin America Intervene when necessary
Land was swampy Mosquitoes that cause malaria 45,000 workers (many black West Indians) 5,000 die Completed in 1914
Controlling how natural resources are used National Parks Yosemite, California Grand Canyon 200 million acres of public lands
Brought back a strong executive (president) Intervene in foreign affairs – Roosevelt Corollary, Panama Canal Progressive reforms – trust buster, square deal Conservation Nobel Peace Prize – mediator in Russo-Japanese War 1905
T.R. doesn’t run Taft – handpicked successor Continues T.R.’s policies Antitrust