Extension 能否經由抑制 Lipase 來治療青春痘 ? Acne vulgaris 由 Propionibacterium acnes 引起 Lipase
Victoria Blue B
MTT test for inhibition of P.acnes by SACCHACHITIN SA CK
Tyrosinase inhibition? 美白 ?
Melanin production Melanoma cell line SA 0.1% CK
Conea repair 眼角膜創傷治療 不溶於水,如何成為眼藥水 ? 微米化 ( 直徑 2 m)
MMP: Rabbit B
Experimental Group Control Group Fluorescein staining: Rabbit B
Normal Cornea
Experimental Group 200X 96hr Normal Conea Control Group 200X 96hr
SACCHACHITIN 之劑型 膜 軟膏 微粒化懸浮液
Cells 細胞 Growth Factors Biomaterials Tissue regeneration 生長因子 生物材料
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