Gibbs Free Energy Third Law of Thermodynamics Standard Molar Entropy (S°) Gibbs Free Energy Equation
Third Law of Thermodynamics The entropy of a pure crystalline substance at absolute zero is S =0 at 0 K.P. 799 All our entropy values are relative to this “standard” value.
Standard Entropies Molar entropy values of substances in their standard states. p. 801 Standard entropies tend to increase with increasing molar mass.
Standard Entropies Larger and more complex molecules have greater entropies.
Entropy Changes Entropy changes ( S) for a reaction can be estimated in a manner analogous to that by which H is estimated: S = n S (products) — m S (reactants) where n and m are the coefficients in the balanced chemical equation.
Sample Exercise 19.5 p. 802 Synthesis of Ammonia Example USE TABLE of Standard Molar Entropy
Chemical Reactions Spontaneity of reactions involves the investigation of two thermodynamic concepts: #1. Enthalpy H #2. Entropy S
Josiah Gibbs Predicted whether a reaction would be spontaneous by examining H and S, at constant P and T GIBBS FREE ENERGY, focuses on system only, ignores surroundings
Gibbs Free Energy
1.If G is negative, the forward reaction is spontaneous. 2.If G is 0, the system is at equilibrium. 3.If G is positive, the reaction is spontaneous in the reverse direction. P. 804 and summary sheet
Sample Exercise 19.6 p. 805
Graphical Interpretation Watch This!
Standard Free Energy Changes Analogous to standard enthalpies of formation are standard free energies of formation, G . f G = n G (products) m G (reactants) f f where n and m are the stoichiometric coefficients.