Chapter 11 Section 1 - The Crusades
Palestine *Also known as the Holy Land *Sacred to both Christians *Located along east coast of Med Sea *Also known as the Holy Land *Sacred to both Christians and Muslims (and Jews…) *Essentially today’s Israel (& now Palestinian Authority areas)
SELJUK TURKS *Warlike people who: - conquer Palestine in the 1000’s ad - attack Byzantine Empire - persecute Christian pilgrims(?)
BYZANTINE EMPIRE *Former Eastern Roman Empire *Capital city was Constantinople *When Turks attack them their emperor asks the Pope in Rome for help
Pope Urban II *At Council of Clermont in A.D. 1095 he calls for a “crusade” to regain the Holy Land from the Muslims (also called or known as Saracens, Turks, Moors, Infidels, etc.)
The Crusades *(Christian) Military and religious expeditions to regain the Holy Lands (from the Muslims)
Maps of the Crusades
PEASANT’S CRUSADE *Peter the Hermit and others lead 15,000 – 30,000 untrained commoners (and a few poor knights) toward Jerusalem *They get slaughtered!
FIRST CRUSADE 1096-1099 Led by norman french knights Battle of Jerusalem: Jerusalem falls after a siege and Crusaders then slaughter thousands of the city’s residents ~ Set up Crusader States of: >Kingdom of Jerusalem >Edessa >Antioch > Tripoli
Second Crusade 1147 -1149 JERUSALEM French & German knights return home in failure after two years without liberating any towns
THE THIRD CRUSADE 1189 - 1192 Frederick Barbarosa *Also called the Crusade of the Three Kings *CRUSADE LEADERS INCLUDE: Frederick Barbarosa *Holy Roman Emperor (Ger) *He dies in a river crossing and his army goes home
Richard the lionheart of england Philip II of France *He has falling out with Richard and goes home too
S A L D I N Saladin – the most well known and successful Muslim *Salah-al-Din Saladin – the most well known and successful Muslim leader of the Crusades *3RD Crusade essentially becomes a fight between Richard and the Muslim leader Saladin *Richard eventually settles for a truce and the right for Christians to enter Jerusalem and he goes home too, ending the 3rd Crusade
(VENICE) THE FOURTH CRUSADE 1202 *Crusaders, at Venice’s urging, attack Christian cities of Zadar, and more importantly, Constantinople (VENICE)
Constantinople is weakened (and so is the Byzantine ZADAR CONSTANTINOPLE *RESULTS: Constantinople is weakened (and so is the Byzantine Empire in general) 2. Entire army is excommunicated (by the Pope)
CHILDREN’S CRUSADE 1212 Group of children think they can succeed where their elders failed *RESULT: Some turned back by the Pope Some sold into slavery
*Pogroms, or persecution, against Jews also a tragic chapter of the Crusades (every time a Crusade was launched toward the Holy Land, crusaders brutalized and killed Jewish People along the way…)
RESULTS OF THE CRUSADES: MILITARY – all but first were military failures, but Western Christians did gain knowledge about castles, siege tactics, and new weapons 2. SOCIAL – loss of knights strengthens both kings and rising new middle class, and feudalism declines 3. ECONOMIC – trade greatly stimulated * The Italian city-states gain significant power
SEC 2 – REVIVAL OF TRADE ~ Italian city-states grew wealthy by acting as middlemen between the Middle East and Western Europe ~ Vikings traded between Northern and Eastern Europe ~ Flanders, Bruges, and Ghent became important cities in the trade of textiles and wool in NW Europe
Hanseatic League Powerful alliance of trading cities on the North and Baltic Seas Ex. Coined own money, had a strong navy, armies, signed treaties with kings, charged taxes on goods they sold, etc.
Luxury Goods from the East
European Goods
TRADE FAIRS *Local lords hosted fairs, provided protection to merchants and travelers, and charged taxes on goods sold
Champagne Region in Northern France along trade route between Italian City-States and Northern Europe *Some of the most famous trade fairs were held here
BANCA Money changers needed to determine value of the many currencies brought to the fairs BANCA *Italian word that the English word “bank” comes from *Usury was the charging of high interest on loans *Letters of credit – the forerunner of today’s checks *Capital – money to invest in business ventures