WG-CSAB Update Fall 2008 CDR Mark Moran, NOAA WG-CSAB Acting Chair
2 Overview Coordinating structure WG-CSAB membership New WG-CSAB Chair DAPE MOA - ESDA Annex NUOPC Update Update on Action Item Metrics (Dr. Zapotocny)
3 Coordinating Structure National Operational Processing Centers (NOPC) Program Council Committee for Operational Processing Centers (COPC) Working Group for Cooperative Support and Backup (WG/CSAB) Operational Community Modeling (JAG/OCM) Centralized Comms Management (JAG/CCM) Operational Data Acquisition for Assimilation (JAG/ODAA) OFCM Allan Darling Nelson Seaman* Luis Cano Jim Vermeulen (satellite) Brad Ballish (conventional)* * Request decision
4 WG-CSAB Membership CSAB membership AFWA – John Zapotocny FNMOC – Jim Vermeulen NAVO – George Mason NCEP – Mark Moran (Acting Chair)* NESDIS – Selina Nauman NWS/TOC – Craig Hegeman OFCM Executive Secretary – Ken Barnett * Transitions to Allan Darling immediately following COPC meeting
5 DAPE MOA Status Data Acquisition, Processing and Exchange DAPE MOA signed by: Jack Hayes Mary Kicza Fred Lewis RADM David Titley Next Step: Environmental Satellite Data Annex
6 DAPE Annexes Proposed additional Annexes to DAPE MOA 1) Environmental Satellite Data Annex 2) Interagency Modeling Agreement 3) Communications Management Agreement Environmental Satellite Data Annex Update In legal review attempting to fast track Goal is to complete legal review by 31 JAN Signatures by 31 MAR
7 NUOPC - Overview Tri-Agency partnership (NOAA, Air Force, Navy) to address common operational global NWP needs National NWP system with interoperable components built on common standards and framework (ESMF) Managed operational ensemble diversity Joint ensemble Most probable forecast -- e.g. high impact weather Mission specific ensemble products National global NWP research agenda to accelerate science and technology infusion
8 NUOPC - Key Operational Components NUOPC Common Modeling System Interchangeable data assimilation, model components and ensemble initialization Coordinated global ensemble with “Managed Diversity” Each center runs a subset tailored to mission as appropriate Standard output fields and schedule Common post-processing capability One center designated as primary assembly, dissemination, and visualization of Unified Global Ensemble Operational back-up to post-processing from other centers
9 NUOPC - Interim Committees Common Model Architecture Committee Task: Develop common architecture (ESMF) and coding standards as necessary to accelerate transition of research and avoid unnecessary duplication of effort. Technology Transition Process Committee Task: Align agency transition processes to streamline certification of new technology and reduce duplicative recertification among the Tri-Agencies. Unified Ensemble Operations Committee Task: Develop a unified ensemble operational concept (CONOPS) to allow reliable production and exchange of ensemble products.
10 NUOPC - Discussion Resources - If NUOPC goes to “stage 3” there will be major $/sharing issues. OPC’s need to be ready How do we take individual OPC effort and put that into a coordinated national effort? Should COPC work with NUOPC to leverage DAPE MOA instead of re-inventing the wheel? CSAB is seeking direction on next steps wrt NUOPC
11 Questions?