UI Tags of Struts2
May 12, 2011 Struts 2.x Tags in detail:- The Struts 2.x tags can be classified under the following categories. i) UI Tags ii) Control Tags iii) Data Tags UI Tags-Features:- i) State and Behaviour ii) Rendering Model iii) Event and Listener Model iv) Conversion Model v) Validation Model
May 12, 2011 UI tags can be grouped into following kind of components:- Inputs: Tags for taking input from the user e.g) Text Field, Text Area, Password etc. Commands: Tags for performing some action e.g) Submit, Reset etc. Selections: Tags used for displaying options to the user Single or multiple values can be selected depending upon the tag used e.g) Checkbox, Checkbox list, select Others: Tags such as forms, messages and components that lay out other components. e.g) form,actionerror,actionmessage,div,tabbedPannel etc.
May 12, 2011 List of few UI Tags:-
May 12, 2011 List of few UI Tags:-
May 12, 2011 Few common attributes of UI tags:-
May 12, 2011
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