What about us? Identification: using a validated screening tool to identify ‘risky’ drinking I usually ask some questions about alcohol use here. Are you be OK to go through some now? Um… OK great
FAST Question 1 How often have you had 6 or more units if female or 8 or more units if male, on a single occasion in the last year?
Units: only 2 in 5 people know them *Drinkaware survey 2011
What is a unit? 1 unit = 8 g (10 ml) of pure ethyl alcohol Formula: %ABV x volume in ml litre of any drink contains the same number of units as it’s ABV Beware of brands (strength) and glass sizes!
What FAST tells us: Alcohol use (2 or less score): Drinking within or close to the recommended guidelines, including 2 or more alcohol-free days each week Alcohol misuse (3 or more score): increasing/higher risk/dependent? Drinking above the recommended guidelines - drinking at a level which is potentially or already causing health or social problems, which may include dependency
What AUDIT tells us The level of alcohol misuse! ‘Increasing risk’ drinking Drinking somewhat above the guidelines, therefore at increased risk of harm but may not yet be experiencing alcohol-related harms ‘Higher risk’ drinking: Regularly drinking at least double the recommended guidelines. Already experiencing alcohol-related problems, but often unaware of these Alcohol dependence: Generally characterised as a strong desire to drink and difficulty controlling use. Most dependence is mild i.e. psychological, rather than severe (i.e. physical)
FAST SCORE CATEGORY Adult population BASW event? 0-2Lower risk 74%? 3+Increasing risk ? 3+ Higher Risk ? 3+ Possible dependence ? Alcohol misuse: summary table 26% ?%
FAST SCORE CATEGORY Adult population BASW event? Your client group? 0-2Lower risk 74% ? 3+ Increasing risk ? 3+ Higher Risk ? 3+ Possible dependence ? Alcohol misuse: RESULTS! 26% 66.6% (24) 33.3% (12) You won’t know unless you ask! TOTAL= 36
Alcohol-related hospital admissions } ACUTE
By the way… calories! Glass of 175 ml wine = in calories Av. pint of lager = in calories OR 130 cal cal