Alcohol Guidelines Revised UK CMO Guidelines A single guideline for men and women: this will now be 14 units a week for both men and women A recommendation not to ‘save up’ 14 units for one or two days - but instead to spread them over three or more days Previous UK CMO Guidelines No more than 2-3 Units a Day with 2 Alcohol Free days a week No more than 3-4 Units a Day with 2 Alcohol Free days a week
Notes The new guidelines follow a detailed review of previous advice published in 1995 and are informed by the latest scientific evidence. Work on the review has been led by a panel of experts in public health and behavioural science. The evidence tells us that... There is no safe level of drinking Alcohol has no ‘protective effect’ for most people More diseases and other health problems than were previously recognised have now been linked with alcohol Drinking heavily on a single occasion increases health risks The risks of low birth weight, preterm birth, and being small for gestational age all may increase in mothers drinking above 1-2 units/ day during pregnancy.
To keep health risks low the proposed advice is... Not to regularly drink more than 14 units per week. If you do drink as much as 14 units per week, it is best to spread this evenly over 3 days or more. Limit the amount you drink on any one occasion, drink more slowly and avoid risky places and activities If you wish to cut down the amount you’re drinking, a good way to help achieve this is to have several drink- free days each week. It is safest not to drink at all if you are pregnant