Political Situation Boris Yeltsin Louisa Luk, Helen Li, Elizabeth Lam
Gorbechev proposed the Union of Sovereign States, planning to rearrange USSR into a confederation body June 1991: Yeltsin was appointed as President of the Russian Federation through direct popular elections ~ this marked a new era of democracy o Marlin Fitzwater: "Historic step for the Russian people and the Soviet Union" Aug 1991: A coup attempted by traditional Communists to "turn back the clock" failed as Yeltsin rallied support of civilians and ultimately soldiers to fight for democracy Gorbachev's incompetence left him and the traditional Communists disgraced; Yeltsin replaces Gorbachev by the end of 1991 Background Context
Collapse of USSR and CIS formation Oct Yeltsin convinced legislature to grant him special executive/legistative power for 1 year to implement economic reforms Nov Appointed new government (Yeltsin as Prime Minister); issues a decree to ban Communist Party throughout the Russian Federation Dec 1991: Yeltsin and leaders of Belarus and Ukraine met - formed CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) ~ USSR disintegrates Out of the 15 states of CIS, Yeltsin became the president of merely one of the states ~ Russian Federation Russian Federation enters the UN
Attempts to reform Yeltsin proclaims Russia to be a democratic republic He proposed radical reforms, including not only to democratize the government but to allow a free- market economy to operate Reforms came under increasing attack by former Party officials, extreme nationalists in the CPD (Congress of People's Deputies) o Dec - Yeltsin lost special executive powers o Unable to issue special decrees to reform economy Parliament and Yeltsin decided to hold national referendum o Would allow population to determine basic division of powers between 2 branches of government Parliament attempted to limit Yeltsin's powers
Tensions between Parliament and Yeltsin (1993) CPD rejected proposals to share power Yeltsin tried to address nation to propose special regime failed CPD tried to impeach Yeltsin o Yeltsin must get 50% of eligible voters o CPD refused Yeltsin's drafts for new Constitution RUSSIAN CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS 1993 o Yeltsin takes radical action - surrounds Parliament building o CPD retaliates by attacking legislative building o Parliamentary supporters quickly defeated - arrested New Constitution approved by referendum Presidential system created
Overview of Political Situation Yeltsin's emergence as the President of the Russian Federation ushered in radical reforms that saw Russia transforming into a democratic republic Though most of the old institutions of USSR have disintegrated, the political atmosphere of Russia remained tense in the first few years: o CPD and Parliament still consisted of "hard- line" Communists who opposed Yeltsin's reforms greatly o This created divisions between the President and Parliament, resulting in clashes such as the 1993 Constitutional Crisis In the end however democracy prevailed, and Yeltsin carried on with his New Constitution