Billy Overton
Getting back to software
RS-232 HTTP GET/POST Infrared Custom
Pros Many devices have RS-232 control Extremely simple Has common libraries Usually well documented Cons Uncommon Hardware No common command set
Pros Uses pre-existing controls systems Can be as simple as an iframe Customizable Cons Usually less documented
Pros Almost everything has a remote Will cover all the functions a user wants Has premade tools: (Win)LIRC ▪ Cons Time consuming Hardware Dependent
Pros You can do anything you want Cons More hardware
From voice to code
Kinect for Windows Microsoft Speech Platform
Speech Recognition Engines Grammars Recognition Results
There are two types We’ll use SpeechRecognitionEngine();
Define what we are looking for Have three methods of creation GrammarBuilder class SrgsGrammar class Srgs XML file
Allows you to add items such as strings and Choices objects to build a grammar Used to create a Grammar object
Two Methods Synchronous ▪ recognitionEngine.Recognize() ▪ Returns RecognitionResult Asynchronous ▪ recognitionEngine.RecognizeAsync() ▪ recognitionEngine.RecognizeAsync(mode) ▪ Raises SpeechRecognized event
Contains all data regarding one grammar match. Most notably contains: Result.Text Result.Confidence
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