Difference between American and Roman Slavery Based on race Treated slaves well most of the time Mistreated slaves often Could be free Slaves did not have the opportunity to be free Slaves could be of any race
How To Become a Slave Captured in battle Abandoned child Sold as a slave Child of a slave Crimes Evading military service Sailors sold by pirates Owing a debt
Where Did Slaves Normally Come From? Mainly from captured conquered territories Slave market sold them
Slave Markets Public auctions where slaves were sold at various prices depending on their skills Stood out in the street or auction house Anyone could buy them
Slave Jobs Could do any job around the house They were teachers, cooks, farmers, miners, hairdressers, servants, secretaries, babysitters, janitors, and bodyguards Slaves were oarsmen, personal attendants, doormen, and nurses
Slave Jobs Household slaves were treated better most of the time Cooks and teachers were valuable Farmers and miners had to do hard work
Freedom Pay for it (peculium) Sometimes hard, as slaves had no real source of income Some slaves would never be free
Freedom Slaves could only be freed by their masters Had to go to a government official to make it legal
Freedmen/Freedwomen Gained all rights of citizenship when freed Even though they were now free, they were still considered lower class citizens Could have almost any job Could not run for office Children could run for office though
Economy Slavery provided cheap labor, which helped Rome’s agricultural society Oftentimes, this made it hard for free citizens to get a job, since slaves did not have to be paid
Saturnalia occurred during December Saturnalia occurred during December. It was a winter solstice festival that welcomed the coming of the new year. Saturn, the god of agriculture, was honored during this festival.
During the holiday, restrictions were relaxed and the social order inverted. Gambling was allowed in public. Slaves were permitted to use dice and did not have to work. Slaves were treated as equals, allowed to wear their masters' clothing, and be waited on at meal time in remembrance of an earlier golden age thought to have been ushered in by the god Saturn.
Slave Rebellions First Servile War Eunus, a farmer, led them Claimed he was a prophet Crushed by Roman Army
Rebellions Second Servile War Slaves revolted in Sicily, led by the slave Salvius Crushed by Army again
Third Servile War Spartacus Gladiator Broke out of training camp Looted nearby towns and gained members Government sent out weak army Rebels crushed army
Third Servile War (Click Me) By the time the Senate sent out another army, the rebels numbered about 70,000 Finally, the Senate sent out 10 legions Killed and crucified rebels Spartacus assumedly died with his men