1 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 Particles and Fields Package Monthly Status Review (MSR) September 18, 2012 Dave Curtis, PFP PM
2 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 Schedule Status 1.5 weeks margin to delivery to LM –Per 9/1 Schedule –As of 9/17 it looks more like 1 week Instruments in various stages of environmental testing Various problems found during test have eaten into margin and also distracted instrument leads from support needed by software developer to finish flight software. STATIC and FSW are the critical path –FSW plan includes deadlines and work-arounds which are likely to involve a Build 4 delivered after ATLO. –Depending on developments, STATIC may push ahead of SWEA, putting SWEA on critical path
3 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 Schedule
4 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 EVM (July report) We continue to make up schedule and are effectively at a cumulative SPI of 1. We continue to run high on cost as we press to make up schedule, and manpower is dropping off more slowly than planned. This is also partially due to extra work added to resolve issues found during testing which was not budgeted for. SPI / CPI July 2012
5 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 Accomplishments LPW booms through thermal vac with associated hot and cold deployments SEP, PFDPU, SWEA, and SWIA passed vibration –SWEA had HV issues in TVac possibly related to vibration SEP, SWIA, and PFDPU in Thermal Vacuum STATIC issues resolved, back in calibration EUV Calibration complete More in instrument sections…
6 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 Ongoing Work Complete Instrument Environments MAG EMI Filter fabrication, GSFC FSW Build 3 complete, Acceptance Test
7 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 PFP PER Status 7 RFAs, all closed
8 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 Issues [1] EUV Temp sensor noise –Fix implemented in EM harness and tested at EMC –Fix incorporated in FM harness by SSL, but not as good as EM harness –Additional improvement identified, being incorporated into FM harness –Thermal test with fixed harness, FM PFDPU/EUV planned MAG Heater CE/CS issues –Filter to be added to MAG heater circuit –Implemented as a box attached to the outside of PFDPU PFDPU does not have to be opened. –Will be separately tested and qualified and attached late in the flow –Breadboard filter tested with EM PFDPU SEP Attenuator issues –Attenuator actuator damaged in assembly –Actuator replaced, re-tested.
9 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 Issues [2] SWEA HVPS problem in TVac –HV discharge damaged one preamp –Replacement preamp board in fabrication –Diagnostics in progress to identify root cause SWIA Vibration issues –Problem with loosening of electronics stack fasteners in vibration –After a few attempts, problem solved, vibration passed! STATIC Issues in Calibration –HV field emission problem causes noise instrument Problem solved – see STATIC section –TDC timing issue caused data to be mis-binned Problem fixed – see STATIC section LPW boom ground isolation problem in deployment –Problem fixed, passed subsequent deployments.
10 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 Top Risks No change
11 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 Risks List
12 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 PFP Mass Added MAG heater filters PFDPU exceedance over NTE is being tracked by LM as a variance
13 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 Mass Tracking Chart
14 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 PFP Power No change this month
15 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 PFP Power Trend
16 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 PFP Data Rate No change
17 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 Requirements Verification Status Type# Requirements# Verified FRD10722 ERD10639 ICD14234 FSW – Op21091 FSW - Boot68 Not yet updated with EMC & environments results
18 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 MAVEN PFP MAG Status September 2012 Jack Connerney, MAG Lead
19 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 MAG Status MAG sensors supporting PFDPU Thermal Vac New MAG heater power service filter in fabrication –A breadboard version has been tested at SSL with the EM PFDPU/MAG –Berkeley has acquired equipment to allow us to do CE/CS testing –One adjustment has been recommended to filter to reduce susceptibility. –Flight Fab delayed at GSFC waiting on authorization –CCR for new filter in the works
20 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 MAVEN PFP SWEA Status September 2012 Dave Mitchell, SWEA Lead
21 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 SWEA Status –SWEA vibe (8/17, 8/20) –Instrument passed vibe on 8/20 and went into Thermal Vac that afternoon. –SWEA to Thermal Vac (8/20 – 8/25) –Instrument completed hot/cold survival and thermal balance, then 2 low voltage operational cycles –1-time cover actuator failed on side B because of a short on the digital board (PFR 116) –Digital board repaired and bench tested –SWEA back to Thermal Vac (8/30 – 9/1) –Instrument repeated survival cycle –Cover opening successful on side B (Cycle 4) –Instrument experienced issues with HV in Cycle 5 (next page). Actuator B Short Locations
22 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 SWEA Anomalies –SWEA Thermal Vac, Cycle 5 (9/1) –After 36 hours at high vacuum (12 hours since cover opening), a CPT including HV was performed –NR enable OK. Several small transients observed during MCP ramp-up. An arcing event occurred at 2500 V, resulting in the loss of preamp 14. (PFR 59, continued) –Diagnostics and Testing (9/2 – present) –After extensive testing in the chamber, then disassembly, inspection, and testing on the bench, three issues were discovered: 1.The HV board has an intermittent noisy mode that was not observed prior to vibe/Tvac 2.Tinning on the leads of vertically standing diodes on the Anode board was cracking and peeling (not observed prior to vibe and Tvac) 3. Holes in the Anode board (used for alignment posts during assembly) were not covered. Possible contamination risk.
23 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 SWEA Anomalies – Path Forward –Entirely new Preamp board has been built up using spare PCB and passive parts from IRAP, 16 new A111F preamps from MMS, and an new 4040 from SSL stock. New board is ready for test. –HV Board Intermittent Noise –Bench testing Monday-Tuesday, comparing FM and EM to identify source of the noise –Repair plan pending test results –Cracked tinning on diode leads –Two diodes were removed from the spare Anode board, and replaced with surface mount equivalents –This approach looks promising, and if it passes FRB review, we’ll adopt this approach. Otherwise we’ll increase the bend radius of the leads on vertically mounted diodes. –Holes on the Anode board –Holes will be covered with kapton tape during diode repair –PEEK covers will be staked over the holes before final assembly.
24 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 MAVEN PFP SWIA Status September 2012 Jasper Halekas, SWIA Lead
25 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 SWIA Progress EMC Passed 118 hours of power-on time for full FM to date (~40 w/ HV) Expect several hundred more in T-VAC and calibration Flight software for SWIA now has most issues ironed out Major Issues with Vibe Three consecutive vibration test failures Instrument (including HV) was still fully functional after first two failures BREAKING NEWS. SWIA Passed vibration 9/14, headed to TVac SWIA now in Thermal Vacuum
26 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 MAVEN PFP STATIC Status September 2012 Jim McFadden, STATIC Lead
27 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 STATIC Accomplishments FM pin-hole attenuator (PFR 100 – signoff pending) tested during calibrations. FM spare aperture mechanism & mechanical attenuator subsystem (PFR signoff pending) tested in cal chamber with harness. New small ion gun for low energies (<10 eV) fabricated & tested. Spare FM Anode board completed. Re-testing STATIC FM sensor (PFR 119) helped identify a source of noise that could appear after several days of operation. Testing allowed development of a procedure that eliminates the noise: Running the ACC at full voltage with MCPs off to maximize TOF field burns off sub-visual surface features that produce noise through field emission. FM ACC/MCP re-tested (PFR 119) with spare HV connector – no problems with HV supply. Problems with FM TDC board identified (PFR 120) and a fix applied to the EM board was tested.
28 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 STATIC Open Issues Noise due to field emission in the TOF analyzer was identified during calibrations (PFR 119). The suspected sources were the recently completed FM ACC/MCP supply and/or dust introduced during assembly. ACC/MCP supply was retested - worked nominally. The sensor head was opened and inspected - no visible contamination. Sensor reassembled and tested – no noise was detected after 2 days pumping. Sensor retested every day for the following week. A similar field emission noise source appeared on 6 th day and increased with sensor operations. We found that the noise could be eliminated by turning off MCP detectors and setting ACC to maximum for several hours. The noise would initially increase, then completely dissappear. Noise seems to be caused by sub-visual surface features that burn off when field emission is maximized. A TDC board timing problem (PFR 120) is currently being implemented on FM TDC. DONE STATIC needs final assembly after TDC fix before calibrations can resume. Anticipated restart of calibrations is STARTED
29 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 STATIC Open Issues PFDPU not yet generating the bulk of STATIC APIDs –Delayed for lack of EM STATIC to test it on; EM in use for diagnosing hardware issues; should now return to FSW test system FM spare mechanical attenuator and aperture mechanism need testing during vacuum calibration (PFR 102). Test scripts need to be modified into RTS commands for PFDPU. New Colutron ion gun Wein filter did not work (broken internal wire) – sent back to manufacturer for repairs. Colutron gun needs testing with EM sensor before calibrations with the FM sensor. Spare units for critical subsystems are being assembled (ACC/MCP, MCP-Anode, TOF analyzer)
30 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 MAVEN PFP SEP Status August, 2012 Davin Larson, SEP Lead David Glaser, SEP ME Miles Robinson, SEP EE
31 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 SEP status SEP attenuator actuator problems solved (PFR114) –Attenuator actuators replaced, tested SEP pre-environmental calibrations complete SEP Vibration test passed Pre-and post vibration magnetics characterization made –No significant difference SEP now in thermal vacuum –Running in parallel with PFDPU thermal vacuum in adjacent chambers
32 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 MAVEN PFP PFDPU/GSE Status September 2012 Dorothy Gordon Bill Donakowski Timothy Quinn Peter Berg Dennis Seitz Chris Tiu Tony Mercer
33 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 PFDPU Flight System Following EMC testing, the Flight PFDPU was returned to the cleanroom for CPTs with all the instruments. Flight PFDPU supported the SEP calibration Vibration Testing September 5 th at Quanta Labs PFDPU passed, no issues Post Vibration functional tests passed Thermal Treatments applied to PFDPU Black kapton thermal tape over the alodined patches two patches that were reserved for heaters which LM elected to not install
34 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 PFDPU Flight System Thermal VacuumTesting Adapter plate and feed-through cabling installed and verified in the SNOUT1 TVAC Chamber. CPT performed at ambient prior to pumpdown Completed initial bakeout; currently cycling (at Cycle 2 cold) Hot and cold turn-on of PFDPU basic CPT completed successfully SEP TVAC in parallel (side by side chambers are cabled together ) SEP noise issues are under investigation LPW (one channel) failed at first cold cycle; problem is currently being diagnosed. Preliminary results indicate that the charge pump does not work at cold temperatures at 2MHz. It does appear to work at 1MHz (a programmable parameter)
35 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 PFDPU Flight System MAG Filter Box Completed PFDPU box mechanical accommodations Pending: Flight filter box delivery from GSFC Thermal Cycling at GSFC Vibration deferred to S/C Testing Electrical test of prototype filter with the EM PFDPU ongoing First set of tests with EM Magnetometer in a shield can (CE, CS, Inrush) Second set of tests (fine-tuning of component values) looking at filter outputs (CS) Final verification planned with shield cans (currently in use for TVAC testing)
36 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 PFDPU GSE & HFS HFS Updated/Delivered to Lockheed-Martin Update to FSW and EEPROM Hardware/Firmware upgraded to match flight system Testing/Integration at LMA - week of September 10 th GSEOS Supported SEP Calibration and Thermal Vacuum Testing Added GPIB Interface control for monitoring vacuum gauge controller Added GPIB Control for PFDPU Power Supply GSEOS can be configured to monitor/log current Added capability to disable power supply if red limits exceeded for 3 successive samples.
37 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 MAVEN PFP Flight Software Status September 2012 Peter Harvey
38 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 Overview of Activities Deliveries CTM & HFS Delivery to LM (9/7/12 ) S/C Sim reports dropped Aliveness packets, UCB confirms all Aliveness messages are present on ETU Development (Build 2) During Period (blue items were not in the plan) Determination of DCB-Instrument Time Difference Determination of MAG checksum miscalculations Development & Test of SWIA, SWEA, STATIC Packet Time Tags Development & Test of SEP Packet Time Tags Added SEP NOI packet rate control Test of SWIA Attenuator Logic Tested STATIC Attenuator Logic Test of SWIA Mode Control LUT Loading Issues* Fixed (SWIA, SWEA, STATIC) Random Packet Data Compression Test MAG Checksum Issue Found. Aliveness Issue Tested on ETU. No Problem Found Performance Measurements and Load Levelling Testing Flight Limit Monitoring Database (DCB Only – No Instrument HSK values submitted) *: LUT Collision, Delay Needed, Multiple LUT timing Development (Build 3) Completing SWEA PAD -- Currently 90% complete – No “Flexible Format” agreed upon SWIA MOMENTS On the “Cutting Room Floor” DELETED “Flexible” energy mapping on SWEA DELETED Tests of Flight RTS DELETED Tests of Flight LUT
39 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 SPRs and SCRs
40 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 SPRs and SCRs
41 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 SPRs and SCRs
42 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 Safety and Mission Assurance Monthly Status Report (MSR) August 2012 Jorg Fischer, PFP MAM
43 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 SMA SUMMARY QA supported assembly modifications, tuning efforts, and testing of the instruments. Updated parts and flight fastener status database Supported the annual, independent ESD Control audit/survey – no issues Performed calibration checks Alert responses: Updated the alert response database – checked the database against 895 vendors and issued a report to GSFC - no impact reports for all alert items. Continuous inspections of Flight assembly and test areas by SSL and GSFC QA Provided support for offsite EMC/EMC and Vibration testing setup and testing support
44 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 SMA SUMMARY Performed FLT document reviews, and updates Verified connector saver installations Supported LASP EUV rework at SSL Inspections of all FLT units assemblies and harnesses - ongoing FSW – informal reviews, ongoing Provided cleanroom support: cleaning of parts, supply, and maintenance, for all MAVEN cleanrooms Managed support of chemicals, hazardous waste, and UCB EH&S interaction Polymerics: Mix record database, updated. Performed polymeric witness sample testing, filing, and inspections Supported integration and de-integration activities of the Instrument Stacks (PFDPU, SWEA, SWIA)
45 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 SMA Details Support of PW board modifications/tuning and rework/repair Flight harness fab coordination, specification, documentation updates, and inspections PWA and assembly inspections – no issues PFR/SPR documentation in progress Checked FLT Binder documentation and PFR status to confirm readiness, before start of EMC testing Other activities included the normal, ongoing participation in instrument meetings, discussions, documentation reviews and comments. SSL SMA provided ongoing inspections, surveys, operator training and re-certification services, stockroom, cleanroom, shipping, chemical inventory, calibration, ESD control, safety checks, and parts services.
46 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 SMA Details Ready FLT Binders for EMC Testing
47 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 SMA PFRs
48 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 SMA FLT Fastener DB
49 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 PFR Detail Updated PFR/NCR/LL data base PFR status report list sent to GSFC - weekly Provided assistance to SSL engineers with PFR form and related item close-out documentation PFR Status (9/5/12): Problem count 121 MRB problems: 73 NCR problems: 41 Closed: 80, Open: 41, VOID:3 Monitor: 1 (SWEA PFR 059)
50 PFP MSR, 9/18/2012 SMA SUMMARY – Concerns All concerns are well understood and are closely monitored by SSL and GSFC QA. Pending - Magnetometer FLT binder documentation needs to be signed off by GSFC QA. PFR documentation sign-off cycle process needs to be improved. Alerts, such as, the recent vendor alert for counterfeit parts are very concerning to SSL SMA. Counterfeit awareness and recognition training for incoming inspection is necessary and recommended.