Welcome to Year 2
Introductions Acting Head Teacher – Mrs Jones Stingray’s Teachers – Mrs Wood and Mrs Lambon Shark’s Teacher – Mr Holland Teaching Assistant s– Mrs Lucas, Miss Nix and Mrs Gwynfryn-Evans Inclusion Leader – Miss Dimambro
Independence and Organisation In Year 2 the children will be expected to show a degree of independence at school, following the Golden Rules in school and in the playground. Children may bring in a healthy snack for morning break in addition to the fruit snack already provided. They are now expected to be more independent with their belongings as follows:- Reading Record and reading book in school on a daily basis Homework set on a Friday and handed in on the following Thursday Named water bottle taken home daily.
Home Learning Homework will be given out on Thursday. Every week your child will have either a Maths or English task, with project work set occasionally. Mental Maths – times tables or number bonds will be given each week. Reading – daily, with a comment in the Home School Diary each time they read. Spellings – Each week on a Monday, children will be tested on their spellings. Your child should return their homework by Thursday.
Rewards and Sanctions A well done and gold cards will be given– for good work and good behaviour House points Golden Time – reward for following our golden rules and class charter. Warnings and Blue cards Class cup –individual award for going ‘above and beyond’ the Golden Rules or producing a ‘Wow’ moment
Holidays Year 2 is a crucial year so please avoid taking your child out of school during term time. Please discuss any holiday arrangements with Mrs Jones before booking. Please be aware that government rules have changed regarding holidays in term time and you may be liable for a fine.
Learning Outside the Classroom Walk to the library to research project work Exploration of the local area and our St James’ garden Trips linked to projects Walks to King’s Park Variety of outside visitors
PSHE Weekly Jigsaw sessions Bubble Time Worry Box Hear to help Peer mediation School council
How you can help at home Encourage independence Daily Reading Homework Project Research Practical Mathematical activities Writing activities
Sharing your child’s targets (‘next steps’) Today your child has taken home a sheet with their current targets for reading, writing and maths. As the year progresses you will receive a copy of your child’s updated targets each half term: In November, targets will be given to you in writing during your parents’ evening meeting and you will be able to look at your child’s books to share their learning. ReportsReports
In January, you will be invited to come into your child’s class after school to share with him/her the learning recorded in the books and receive the latest targets. In March, the latest targets will be recorded on the annual written report. You are welcome to come in with your child to share your child’s learning at this time.
In May, you will again be invited to come into your child’s class after school to share with him/her the learning recorded in the books and receive the latest targets. In July, targets will be given to you in writing during your parents’ evening meeting and you will be able to look at your child’s books to share their learning.
Reports The annual written reports for parents and carers are sent out in the Spring term. In addition, at the end of the school year you will receive a short report detailing your child’s levels and progress in reading, writing and maths.
Parents’ Evening Autumn Term - Parents’ Evening Wednesday 11th November (late) Thursday 12th November (early) Summer Term Parents’ Evening dates to be confirmed.
Assessment The new National Curriculum 2014 is based on year group objectives rather than levels. Within each year group, children are either Emerging Developing Secure More detail of this is in the parent section of the website
Communication We pride ourselves on being approachable staff in a caring school. Write us a note (or put a note in the yellow reading record) If you have any concerns and worries about your child and their progress, or anything positive or important that would be helpful for us to know, please come and see us!
Any questions? We will keep you updated of all the developments at St James over the coming year. Thank you for coming!