CITB Flexible and Structured Funds
IFR Objectives - CITB needs a new approach to funding that: Enables more employers to access the funding support Is more straightforward to access Enables employers and industry stakeholders to access funding for skills, training and/or resources Is pro-active and responsive Takes a forward look– holding reserves when needed for future use Is both transparent and fair Delivers value for money
Funding options In the January 2016 application window, there are six funding options to choose from, depending on your organisation type and project: Who can apply The Funds are available to one or more of the following groups, depending on your chosen funding option: Construction employers registered with CITB (individuals and groups) Construction industry federations Trade unions associated with construction occupations CITB-approved training groups.
Upfront funding for skills and training interventions, only available to Small & Micro employers – capped at 5K, particularly targeted at previously disengaged companies, newly registered companies and for use as an enhanced incentive for small companies Training on innovative materials Training innovative tools and techniques Innovation training methods Training incentives Apprenticeship incentives Achievement incentives Skills & Training Fund Enhanced Incentives Innovation Pilots & Prototypes Flexible Funding Scheme – Short term projects of up to 18 Months Designed to fund projects that are “quick and adaptable”
Structured Funding Scheme – Longer term projects from 18months - 5 years Supporting Infrastructure Educational Engagement Enhanced Incentives Training establishments (not capital) Training equipment Training and skills people – Training Groups Commissioning Model New window opens on the 19th January Training incentives Apprenticeship incentives Achievement incentives Designed to fund projects that are long-term solutions to meeting major industry challenges
Amount available £20 million is available across the Flexible and Structured Funds in Different amounts are offered under each funding option When to apply You can apply for the Flexible and Structured Funds during an open application window. Each window is open for approximately four weeks. Flexible Fund: four application windows a year. (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct) Structured Fund: two application windows a year. (Jan. Jul) This funding round will open for applications on 19 January 2016 and close on 16 February 2016.
Flexible Funding Scheme - Skills and Training Funding Supports micro and small employers with skills and training initiatives. “Disengaged” companies (95% of those CITB registered?) Who can apply CITB-registered employers with fewer than 50 direct employees Eligible activities Skills and training activities vital to the industry, e.g. upskilling programmes multiskilling programmes training support materials.
Flexible Funding Scheme - Skills and Training funding con’t Amount available - Up to £5,000. (part-fund your project if it costs over £5,000) If other CITB funding is available (e.g. through the Grants Scheme), you reduce the amount requested by the amount you could claim through the other channel(s). Restrictions Only one bid allowed each year per CITB-registered employer
Flexible Funding Scheme - Innovation, Pilots and Prototypes funding Supports innovative projects and pilot and prototype initiatives for skills and training. Who can apply CITB-registered construction employers. Construction Federations (e.g. SFGB) Construction trade unions. CITB-funded training groups (e.g. NSITG)
Eligible activities Development of skills and training resources, including developing people, improving organisation capability and producing training materials New ways of delivering or funding construction training and skills development. Conversion training for people looking to change careers or enhance their existing qualifications Behavioural change training Innovative training methods
Project timeframe Projects should last no longer than 18 months. Amount available Up to 70% of the total cost. You will need to source alternative funding for at least 30% of the project cost. Individual CITB-registered employers: £5,000 to £50,000 funding available. Construction Federations, training groups and trade unions: £5,000 to £300,000 funding available. Collectives (groups of CITB-registered employers, federations, CITB-managed training groups and trade unions): £5,000 to £500,000 funding available
Impact required Your project should result in one or more of the following CITB strategic priorities for skills and training: reduce skills gaps increase access to the right training reduce skills shortages increase the appeal of working in construction increase in training expenditure increase in added value per employee
Restrictions Projects must not duplicate products that already exist and adequately meet the stated needs. There must be no other funding available for the project through alternative channels (e.g. the CITB Grants Scheme). We are unable to fund items of capital expenditure
Flexible Funding Scheme - Enhanced incentives funding Supports initiatives that encourage the completion of training and qualifications. For projects lasting up to 18 months. £5,000 to £500,000 available in funding.
Who can apply Collectives of CITB-registered employers. Construction federations. Construction training groups. Construction trade unions. Eligible activities Initiatives that encourage and increase the uptake of training and the achievement of qualifications to reduce skills shortages (including both predicted or sudden). Examples: incentives for completing training and apprenticeships, and for achieving relevant qualifications; corporate incentives or achievements.
Amount available £5,000 to £500,000 CITB will fund up to 70% of the total project cost. You will need to source alternative funding for at least 30% of the project cost.
The Four Most Important Documents!! Guidance Notes Terms of Bidding Terms of Funding Application forms These documents will be available at the start of each funding window and will be unique to that window.
First Stage Application Form and Scoring Flexible Fund – Skills and Training for Small & Micro employers, up to 5K 1st Page asks for generic employer details and a project timeframe 2nd Page asks for project details, activities and benefactors/beneficiaries 3rd Page a declaration statement.
Bid Evaluation Methodology Can be found in the Structured and Flexible funds terms of bidding. Answers to each question will be scored on a scale of 0 to 5, with 0 being the lowest and 5 being the highest score. Successful bids will ned to achieve at least an average of 3 in each section The definition of each level of scoring are available in the Guidance Notes