Your Body’s Defense
Physical Defenses First line of defense Skin Hair Mucous Cilia Saliva Tears Sweat Digestive tract
Skin Protects from micro-organisms entering the body Open cuts/ sores provide entrance Cells die and are shed
Sweat Our body has many sweat glands Sweat is released to control body temp Sweat contains acids that kill pathogens
Mucous Membranes Moist linings around all entrances to body Mucous = sticky substance Mucous traps pathogens
Saliva & Tears Contain enzymes that fight pathogens Tears wash away foreign substances
Cilia Tiny hair-like structures Trap pathogens Help remove mucous from body
Digestive Tract Moves pathogens out of body Acids/ chemicals in digestive tract Chemicals kill pathogens
Second Line of Defense Occurs after pathogen enters the body Inflammation
Inflammation 1st stage of healing Increased blood flow to area Increased size/ temperature/ redness Caused by dilation of blood vessels
Immune System Last line of defense Lymphatic system, lymph nodes, lymph, lymphocytes Lymph - fluid containing lymphocytes Lymphocytes - white blood cells
Immunity Active Immunity-body creates antibodies Through sickness of immunization Immunization/ vaccine – injected with small amount of pathogen Passive Immunity-passed from mother to child through birth or breast milk
Treatment Antibiotics – kill living organisms Treat bacterial infections only Fungus are treated with cream or topical treatment
Treatment of Virus Anti-viral can stop a virus from reproducing Most viruses are fought by our immune system with… Rest Proper diet Water