Churches Together in Devon A look towards the Future
Constitution Words on a page or a living document? It doesn’t function effectively!
Constitutions Have looked at: Cornwall Somerset Wiltshire Dorset Birmingham
Constitution Could just change words! But what’s the point of that? Need to look at the Model of CTD as an Intermediate Body (IB) as defined by CTE
Constitution Procedures for Change Charity Commission Forum Denominations Denominations take longest! (Birmingham took 5 years)
Constitution Charity Commission The Objects Membership The exec / trustees Wider council (Forum / Gathering)
Objects Reduce the number The most appropriate / relevant ones (that we feel we can fulfil and achieve) Constitution says we can’t change para 4 Objects and aims. But I have contacted Charity Commission about this and it may be possible.
Membership Explore widening membership to be more reflective of Christian denominations in Devon Society of Friends Pentecostal family Independent Evangelicals Orthodox Our wording allows for this but could be phrased better
Membership our membership is fairly wide for interpretation or could use something like: Membership of the Charity shall be open to any church interested in furthering the objects of the Charity; having at least one congregation in the county, and which is either: a) a member church of Churches Together in England, or b) a member church of the Evangelical alliance and having a structural network across the county.
The Exec / Enabling Group All Church leaders and DEO’s to be members of the Enabling group. Co-opted members (currently only church leader on enabling group is the chair who is a trustee.) More like the Cornwall model.
The Trustees from the Enabling group Who? A combination of Church leaders DEO’s Co-opted (but not by Forum) Currently 10 Trustees
Wider Council Forum / the Gathering Remove this from having a constitutional part to play. Move it’s AGM role to an Enabling Group meeting which can be advertised and be “open” to all. We could arrange a county wide event if and when necessary and if we have resources.
Way Ahead Forum 8 th August at Yealmpton Methodist Church AGM Discuss change in model and a Summer tea party!
We would like to know we have the Church Leaders support in making and processing these changes. But
Thank You