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THREE MAJOR FAITHS One acknowledged “Father in faith” Judaism Christianity Islam Abraham
WHO IS ABRAHAM? Abram, Son of Thare, from Ur (Later Abraham) Husband of Sarai (Later Sarah) Received a promise from God that his descendants shall be great in number and he shall posses the land of Canaan. Father of Ismael He is the son of Agar, hand-maid of Sarah Father of Isaac He is the son of Sarah
JUDAISM Literally “through Isaac” What do they believe? One God The Torah (“Teachings”) is their sacred text Israel was given to them in a covenant with God There will be a Messiah, but Jesus was not Him 13 Principles
ISLAM Literally “Through Ishmael” What do they believe? One True God (Allah) The Qur’an (Koran) is there sacred text Jesus was a prophet Muhammad is the last and most perfect prophet 6 Articles of Faith 5 Pillars of Faith
CHRISTIANITY “Our Father in Faith” through Judaism More Specifically Catholicism – What do we believe? We are the “true” way because we hold the fullness of the Revelation of God Other faiths are reflections of this fullness God is in everyone Christ alone is the way to the Father So how do we share our beliefs while respecting the dignity of other faiths?
SO WHAT DO WE HAVE IN COMMON? Monotheistic view of God Afterlife Final judgment We have a strong ethical system to which we must adhere SO WHAT?