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RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 1 WP 5 Training ( ZARAGOZA) State.

RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 1 WP 1.1 Description of work (month.
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Presentation transcript:

Samir BOUKHALFA AGENCE LOCALE DE L’ENERGIE DE L’AGGLOMERATION LYONNAISE RENAISSANCE LYON – Meeting in LYON 27-29/04/2009 WP Progress and Plans WP 1.3: Wood-fuel supply chains assessment and organisation

RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on the six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 1 WP 1.3 State of progress year 4 : 6 last months 1)- Only 1 action for the last 6 months Meeting with a sub-contracting expert (2009,March 13th) 2)- Analysis We had internal problem of plan of work

RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on the six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 2 Plans for the next 18 months (beginning of year 4) WP 1.3 1)- Study about incorporating energy efficiency uses in sell agreement Proposal in maintenance agreement Identify legal and technical missing in the matter 2)- Meeting with property developer will be done Proposal in May or June 3)- Reporting this action Probably in July

RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on the six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 3 Conclusions Malorie CLERMONT Tel: +33 (0) Contact ENERTECH