Personal Pronouns All you need to know!
Singular Pronouns NominativeObjectivePossessive 1 st personIMeMy, mine 2 nd personyou Your, yours 3 rd personHe, she, itHim, her, itHis, her, Hers, its
Plural pronouns NominativeObjectivePossessive 1 st personWeusour Ours 2 nd personYouyouYour Yours 3 rd personTheythemtheir theirs
Nominative vs. objective vs. Possessive Nominative pronouns are SUBJECTS or PREDICATE NOMINATIVES (pronouns that come after a linking verb and rename the subject) --Objective pronouns are DO’s, IO’s, or OP’s --Possessive pronouns show OWNERSHIP
Who is it? To Whom it May Concern… Who is a nominative case pronoun Whom is an objective case pronoun
So…which pronouns go where? And what are they doing? I gave __________ (he/him) a biscuit? Mary and ________ (she/her) are the winners! Please bring the flowers to _____(they/them). Joe bought drinks for Mary and _____(he/him). Don’t forget to bring _____ (her/she) coat. Susan loves _____(he/him). _______ made the pizza? (who/whom) To ______ am I speaking? (who/whom)
The end!