Hermit Crabs By:Taylor
Land Hermit Crab Any crabs on the beach is the Hermit Crabs enemy.The Hermit Crab has ten,only six shows,four back legs are inside.Land Hermit crabsare lowpopular low maintenance pets.
Sea Hermit Crabs Sea hermit crabs live n the sea.There are lots of shells in the ocean for the hermit crab to change shells.They blend in with the sand and rocks in the ocean.
Land Hermit Crabs Enemies The land hermit crab enemies are sea hermit crabs.
Sea Hermit Crab enemies Sea hermit enemies are land hermit crabs.
Web Sites The websites that I used used... Animal.discovery.com/marine-life/hermit-crab-info.htm Animals.pawnation.com>wildlifeandexoticanimals
Meet the author My name is Taylor Trent.My age is nine years old. My birthday is September 28 2004. My email address is trenttm@ccps.k12.com