The eagle owl by Jackson
The regular name is eagle owl and the scientific name is bubo bubo.
They have hooked beaks and eat meat.
The eagle owl can hunt in the light unlike other owls.
It is found in mountains and forests with cliffs and rocky areas, usually nesting on cliff ledges
They prefer hunting in open spaces and will eat almost anything that moves. Their diet includes votes, rats, mice, foxes, hares, birds, crows, ducks, grouse, seabirds, snakes, lizards, frogs, fish, crabs, and sometimes other owls!
Nest sites are sheltered cliff ledges, inbetween rocks, and abandoned nests of other large birds. No nesting material is added. Eagle Owls lay eggs in late winter, and usually lay one clutch per year of 1 to 4 eggs. A clutch is a nest of eggs or a brood of chicks. Babies leave the ground nests between 22 and 25 days old and elevated nests at 5 to 7 weeks old.
There is a lot of things that kills the eagle owl like power lines and big windows and cars and guns.
The Eagle Owl has a wingspan of up to138–200 cm (55–79 in) males weigh kg Females weigh kg and is three feet heigh
d.d.t. means dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane.