Chapter Preview-End
Section 1-Preview Religion is concerned with sacred things. Durkheim concluded that every religion separates the sacred from the profane. Sociologists studying religion face some unique problems. They do not judge the validity of various religions but rather look at those aspects of religion that can be measured and observed in society.
“Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn’t argue with that; I’m right and I will be proved right. We’re more popular than Jesus now; I don’t know which will go first- rock ‘n roll or Christianity.
A.A B.B C.C D.D Section 1-Polling Question Which of the following do you find sacred? A.The Bible B.The Buddha C.The Torah D.A dreamcatcher
Section 1 Functionalism and Religion A religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices concerned with sacred things.religion
Section 1 Functionalism and Religion (cont.) Every society distinguishes between these two definitions: –Sacred—things and ideas that are set apart and given a special meaning that goes beyond, or transcends, immediate existence.Sacred –Profane (secular)—commonplace and not involving the supernatural.Profane
The particular things considered sacred vary from culture to culture. By focusing on the cultural and social aspects of religion, sociologists avoid questions about the ultimate validity of any religion and are able to study it and not get involved in theological issues.
Because the nonphysical world of religion cannot be directly observed, sociologists limit their study to what can be observed: the beliefs and practices related to sacred things. It is essential that sociologists remain objective in their study of religion.
A.A B.B C.C D.D Section 1 What is another word for profane? A.Filthy B.Clean C.Secular D.Sacred
Section 1 The Sociological Study of Religion Sociologists approach religion as a human creation and focus on social aspects of religion that can be measured and observed. They do not judge the validity of any religion.
A.A B.B C.C D.D Section 1 Sociologists focus on social aspects of religion that can be ______. A.Measured B.Observed C.Measured and observed D.None of the above
Section 4-End
Section 1-Key Terms religion sacred profane
Vocab1 religion a unified system of beliefs and practices concerned with sacred things
Vocab2 sacred holy; set apart and given a special meaning that goes beyond, or transcends, immediate existence
Vocab3 profane nonsacred