War! What is it good for?
The Just War Theory Many religious believers (Christians), argue that war can be justified in some circumstances. Just War Theory attempts to clarify two questions: When is it right to fight? How should war be fought?
Brief History of the JWT! Biblical Christianity (New Testament) is generally seen as pacifist e.g. Jesus! When the Roman Empire accepted Christianity, they decided that war would have to be considered as part of Christianity. This led to the introduction of the Just War Theory.
The two main key thinkers involved with the JWT are St.Augustine (of Hippo) and St.Thomas Aquinas. In the 5 th century (AD/CE), St.Augustine of Hippo (a north African Bishop) justified the use of war to defend the Church and those who threatened their faith. In the 13 th century CE, St.Thomas Aquinas added to Augustine’s ideas. This led to what is now referred to as the Just War Theory.
The Just War Theory When is it right to fight? jus ad bellum. 1.Must come from a Just Authority 2.Must have a Just Cause. 3.Must have a Just Intention 4.Must have Proportionality 5.Must be a Last Resort 6.Must have a Reasonable Chance of Success
How should war be fought? – jus in bello Must be Proportional (minimal force) Must be discriminate (consider non military targets/civilians) The Just War Theory is constantly being updated and developed. The recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were backed by both the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England.