Transit is Smart Growth Matt Ryan Coconino County Supervisor Chair, NAIPTA April 24, 2012 Arizona Transit Association Annual Conference
Investment Benefits ¥Every $1 invested in public transportation generates from $4 to $9 in local economic activity. Construction Operations Redistribution ¥Public Transit brought $19 million of federal funds to Northern Arizona over the last five years.
Workforce Benefits ¥Workforce Mobility Access to jobs for new/young workers Expansion of workforce pool Easier recruitment for employers Reduced absenteeism ¥Workforce Enhancement Access to education and training Affordable living for entry level employees Transit availability reduces the need for an additional car, a yearly expense of $6,251 in an average household budget.
¥Customer Delivery Access to retail Access to medical services Less spent on transportation means more dollars for other goods and services ¥Reduced Parking Demands Increased attractiveness of stores and services ¥Reduced Congestion in Commercial Corridor Market Benefits
Results to Date: ML Ridership ¥5¥5
Why Does Transit Work? ¥Works for “us” because it works for our citizens. ¥Meets Specific Needs Transit Dependent (Not Choices) Transitional (Affordable Choice) Transformational (Light Rail)
Transit Dependent ¥ No Car 1/3 rd of Citizens Age, $$, Ability ¥ Options for… Work? School? Shopping?
Transitional Service ¥ Viable “Option” ¥ Saves Money ¥ Economic Choice
Household Expenditures
Where We are Now
¥ Woodlands Village Downtown > NAU ¥ 6:30 AM to 8:30 PM ¥ Every Minutes ¥“Free” to Students ¥Hybrid Buses ¥Smart Tech ¥Dedicated Transit- Way
Results to Date: ML Ridership 14
Transformational Transit
THANK YOU! Matt Ryan Coconino County Supervisor Chair, Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority (NAIPTA)