Tales of Old
After slipping on the floor, the man _____ got up and left the room. a) hobbledhobbledb) prosperedprosperedc) sheepishlysheepishlyd) coincidencescoincidences
sheepishly – adverb – in an awkward, shy, or embarrassed way
Excuse me, That was Wrong!! Try Again
A series of _______ led me to meet my group of friends in the museum. a) prosperedprosperedb) coincidencescoincidencesc) sumptuoussumptuousd) sheepishlysheepishly
coincidences – noun, plural – remarkable occurrences of events or circumstances at the same time and apparently by chance
At the royal wedding a ______ dinner was served. a) sweetensweetenb) coincidencescoincidencesc) sheepishlysheepishlyd) sumptuoussumptuous
sumptuous – adjective – expensive and lavish, richly done
Because the batter was bitter, the cook had to _____ it with honey. a) phasephaseb) sweetensweetenc) coincidencescoincidencesd) sumptuoussumptuous
sweeten – verb – to make or become sweet or sweeter
On the third _____ of the journey, we traveled by sea. a) sweetensweetenb) phasephasec) mufflersmufflersd) hobbledhobbled
phase – noun – a stage of development of a person or thing
The children were dressed in hats, coats, and ____ so they could play in the snow. a) sumptuoussumptuousb) sweetensweetenc) phasephased) mufflersmufflers
mufflers – noun, plural – scares of wool or other material worn around the neck for warmth
After he sprained his ankle, Brad ____ around for three weeks. a) mufflersmufflersb) prosperedprosperedc) hobbledhobbledd) sheepishlysheepishly
hobbled – verb – moved or walked awkwardly with a limp
The owners of the business finally ______ after years of hard work. a) phasephaseb) mufflersmufflersc) hobbledhobbledd) prosperedprospered
prospered – verb – having had success, wealth, or good fortune
Fairy tales are part of the oral tradition of literature. What makes the fairy tale different from folklore, fables, and tall tales is its use of magic and fantasy.
Often fairy tales involve ordinary people who have experiences of a supernatural kind and are affected by charms, disguises, spells, or other fantastic occurrences
The supernatural characters in fairy stories are not always fairy godmothers or winged sprites. They may be magicians, ogres, goblins, gnomes, or leprechauns. dragons elves,
Although the stories were told centuries ago to entertain children, many were originally written for adults. As their popularity spread, the fairy tale came to have a major influence on children's literature
Once upon a Time….. Let’s Read A Susan Ging Lent Production