Mr. Phithak Rattanasaengsawang Master of Arts in Ethnic Studies Chiangrai Rajabhat University. Thailand
How trade transformation in NSEC has been affect to the Hmong ethnic’s ways of life in Ethnic in Chiang Khong District, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand
To study development of trade transformation in North-South economic corridor To study the impacts on trade among North-South Economic Corridor on the Hmong Ethnic’s way of life in Chiangkhong District, Chiangrai Province, Thailand
Scope of the study : To study trade facility of NSEC which reflects to way of life of Hmong and the quality of measure of life in Hmong group
The Population Size: Hmong ethnic group in Chiang Khong, Chinag Rai Province with total 3,781 persons.
Population Size : Hmong ethnic group in Chiang Khong, Chinag Rai Province with total 361 persons is selected by Taro Yamane’s equation (1973)
Trade cooperation agreement of NSEC Way of life of Hmong ethnic group in Thailand
This research has aimed to propose the policy implications on Impact of North-South Economic Corridor on the Hmong Ethnic’s way of life in Chiang Khong District, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand. The questionnaires both structured and unstructured will be employed for data collection from the following information sources: Primary data will be gathered from the Customs Officers as well as the ethnic villagers residing along the connecting border lines. Secondary data will be gathered from reports of Asian Development Bank, ASEAN and related researches.
Statistical use for data analysis will employ percentage, mean and standard deviation in order to determine population characteristics, implementation of regulations and the results to propose the policy implications on trade and trade facilitation
1. To know the impacts on trade and trade facilitation of GMS countries on changing life styles of the ethnic groups in upper northern Thailand. 2. To propose effective measures on trade and trade facilitation among GMS countries and possible alternatives on adjustment and measures on improvement of quality of life of the ethnic groups in upper northern Thailand.
North- South Econo mic Corrid or Hmong Ethnic In Chiangkh ong District, Chiangrai Province, Thailand Way of life -Social -Econom ic - Culture
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