Brazilian Tunable Filter Imager (BTFI) Preliminary Design Review (PDR) USP-IAG Universidade de São Paulo 18-19th June 2008 Fernando Luís Fontes Emulator software
2 The BTFI Emulator is designed to give a simple interface to the user and also to guide program development. Each box represents a physical module of the BTFI. The astronomer just clicks the box to set the properties of each module The BTFI Emulator
3 Emulator – Clicking to go The user just put the mouse in the box and presses the right button to see the menus
4 Emulator – Clicking to go It is the same for all boxes. Very easy to change the status. For image filter, you can select one filter or edit filter list, just by clicking
5 FP I Menus
6 iBTF Menus The user can select one mode, edit the grating list or load one grating. If the user click in “Edit Grating List” for example, it just open a simple edit window. Now, the user just save the list!
7 Pupil mask Menus
8 FP P is the same of FP I
9CCD The CCD module can work in two modes. Independent Setup and Linked setup In independent setup, the user can set up each CCD with different params. The link is red In linked setup, the user set-up one CCD, and the params to the other is automatically the same. The link is green
10 Conclusions The objective of the BTFI Emulator is to act as a guide map to the programming of the instrument control system. The objective of the BTFI Emulator is to act as a guide map to the programming of the instrument control system. Also, the Emulator makes the operation of the instrument more visible and intuitive for the user. Also, the Emulator makes the operation of the instrument more visible and intuitive for the user. The user can play with the Emulator before he goes to the telescope... get a life! The user can play with the Emulator before he goes to the telescope... get a life!