Caregivers Lacking Legal Custody Children may be denied school enrollment Caregivers may be denied rights to participate in Individual Education Plan for children with disabilities. Caregivers may be excluded from activities that usually involve parent, such as Parent teacher meetings funded by Title I of ESEA.
Mental Health Issues Grandparents must be able to recognize the signs of mental health issues so they can be diagnosed and treated. Unresolved losses and difficult circumstances make these children especially at risk to develop mental health disorders. MUST resist denial of mental health issues and allow teachers, counselors and social workers to input their concern. Abandonment issues and rejection are common for children raised by someone other than their parents, these feelings often trigger depression. Willingness to allow grandchildren to receive professional help can be vital to the child's success in school and at home.
Providing a Loving Environment Grandchildren need to feel a sense of unconditional love. They may feel unwanted or abandoned, giving them a sense of worth can make a huge difference in the way they view the circumstance. Respect for the relationship with both parents is key. Although they are filling in the role of parents, the emotional tie cannot be replaced. Use contact and visitation as learning experiences. Help the child to accept the truth of their reality without trying to protect them from it.
Successful people raised by Grandparents
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