By the end of this lesson you should be able to: identify features of a person specification identify features of job description state the use of these during the recruitment process apply your knowledge to create a job description.
Internal Within the organisation How Intranet, bulletin boards, newsletters AdvantagesDisadvantages Know the staffNo fresh talent Less expensive than externalPromotes favouritism Promotes loyalty
External Outwith the organisation How Trade journals, job centre, newspaper AdvantagesDisadvantages Wider pool of recruitsTakes longer Fresh ideas into the organisationMore expensive New skills, experiences into the organisation
Job evaluation/analysis What duties are involved in the job. Job description What duties are involved in the job. Person specification Details the skills and qualities required essential/desirable. Job advertisement Basic information, include the qualities and skills required.
Describes the job Role, duties and responsibilities of the post. Person to whom post reports. Subordinates for whom post has responsibility.
Word picture of ideal candidate Skills and qualities required Split into essential and desirable Includes: qualifications, personal qualities, experience, skills and aptitudes