Load Estimation Using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
Watershed Model: Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) SWAT evaluates impacts of land use, management, and climate on hydrology and water quality It is a very widely used model Applied in every state and 32 different countries 2
Land Use + Soils Land Management Practices Hydrologic Response Unit (HRU) Streamflow Groundwater Surface Water Evapotranspiration Suspended Solids Nitrogen Phosphorus Pesticides 3
Root Zone Shallow (unconfined) Aquifer Vadose (unsaturated) Zone Confining Layer Deep (confined) Aquifer Precipitation Evaporation and Transpiration Infiltration/plant uptake/ Soil moisture redistribution Surface Runoff Lateral Flow Return Flow Revap from shallow aquifer Percolation to shallow aquifer Recharge to deep aquifer Flow out of watershed Hydrologic Balance
SWAT can help answer various “what if” questions related to impacts of agricultural and urban land use and management on runoff, sediment, nutrient, pesticide and bacteria transport Why do we need SWAT?
Station NameArea (km2) Calibration Statistics ( ) 10 years Validation Statistics ( ) 5 years Monthly R2Monthly NSMonthly R2Monthly NS Wildcat near Jerome Kokomo Creek near Kokomo Wildcat creek near Kokomo Wildcat creek near Owasco Wildcat creek near Lafayette South fork creek near Lafayette
8 Station 36
Nitrate Loads YearNitrate Load (Lbs/year) 20072,752, ,000,800