Big Five for Life – Life Cards Instructions This template is very simple to use. Simply replace the existing images and information with your own. I put my PFE on the front and Big Five for Life on the back. That’s sort of a recent addition. In the past I just put the Big Five for Life on the card. Do whatever feels right for you. You can always get new cards later on. On the top of the back of the cards you will see a web address marked The website, is a place where you can post your Big Five for Life online. Simply go to and register for free. This is a great way to give people more information about your Big Five for Life. The template is designed to be the correct ratio for standard 3.5 inch by 2 inch business cards. The ratio of the template to actual cards is 2.6 to 1. Template Design Courtesy of
John P. Strelecky Best-Selling Author Inspirational Speaker Template Design Courtesy of My PFE is to enjoy my life and to help others enjoy theirs.
John P. Strelecky My Big Five for Life™ L- Loving relationship with my wife and daughter T- Travel the world O-Master mind Over matter B- Inspire millions of readers worldwide with my Books S- Write a Song that breaks the top ten of the pop charts If you or someone you know can help me fulfill any of these, please contact me at: Template Design Courtesy of