Chapter 14 Section 2 Guatemala - Descendants of an Ancient People
Guatemala is located south of Mexico and north of El Salvador.
Guatemala has 23 ethnic groups, but it is mostly made up of Native Americans.
Most of the Mayas live in a rural area. They speak Mayan and follow Mayan culture.
Ladinos of Guatemala are usually rich landowners who follow a European way of life.
Most of the land in Guatemala belongs to a few rich families.
In Guatemala, a person of mixed Spanish and Native American ancestry is known as a ladino.
When a large group of people work together for political change, it is known as a political movement.
Guatemala’s Civil War began in It lasted 30 years. Because of this war, many Mayas lost all of their belongings, as well as, the loss of loved ones.
When a person refuses to work until certain demands are met, that person is on strike.
Many indigenous people of Guatemala live in the mountains. This is because the mountains are the only land available to them.
When an effort is made to distribute land more equally and fairly, it is known as land reform.
There are many reasons for Mayan political movements: -try to defend campesino rights -help villages plan ways to protect themselves -teach people the history their land -teach people how to read But the most important reason of political movement by the Mayas is to defend Native American land.