Cephalopods: head/foot
Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class : Cephalopoda
Cephalopods Cephalopods means “head footed” Cephalopods have a well developed brain and nervous system called cephalization This also gives them large sophisticated eyes
Octopus, squid, chambered nautilus, cuttlefish. Active life, because of their developed brain
Suckers on arms capture prey (8 arms and 2 tentacles).
Swim by forcing water out of mantle cavity through siphon or funnel (modified foot).
Have ink to distract predators (ink sack). Shell reduced to “pen” in squid - absent in the octopus
Squid Dissection: What to know for Squiz External Anatomy Internal Anatomy Arms v.s tentacles Anterior - posterior Dorsal - ventral Siphon Body tube Fins Beak and Eye Gills Caecum (stomach) Ink sack Hearts Ganglia (brain) Pen Buccal bulb
Squid Dissection Tray Clean and Dry when finished: 1 probe 1 scissor 1 forceps 1 petri dish 1 petri dish with 10 pins 1 clean pan with clean dry paper towel
Squid Dissection Check Dissecting tray Return clean and dry Observe under dissecting scope: Skin, gills, suckers, anything else you would like