Draft Principles Update Presentation to Multiparty Workshop #4 June 19, 2009
Review of Principles Previous draft Principles circulated at Workshop #3 (March 6-7, 09) Some comments from a few individuals/organizations Principles revised by TWG in light of stakeholder input and further JLF discussion 2
Purpose Component of the Culturally and Ecologically Sustainable Management Framework (CESMF) Intended to provide high-level guidance for land and resource decision making Help guide: development of the Land Use Plan, other management plans long-term decision making by BC and TRTFN 3
Development Process Drafted by TWG Circulated for review at Workshop #3 TWG received some comments from a few individuals/organizations Principles revised by TWG in light of stakeholder input and further JLF discussion 4
Next Steps Draft Principles finalized (copies available) Will be incorporated into the final LUP and other agreements. Remain draft and subject to further refinement as needed 5