Tobacco Click the link below: Listen to Health Podcast: Lesson 1 - The Health Risks of Tobacco Use /student_view0/unit7/chapter20/health_podcasts.html
Definitions Nicotine: a stimulant drug found in tobacco products, including cigarettes and chewing tobacco. Tobacco: a plant that contains nicotine.
Closer Look Cigarette smoking is the most popular method of using tobacco which contains more than 4000 toxic chemicals in smoke.
Smokeless Tobacco Tobacco that is chewed or snorted but not smoked. Both chewing tobacco and snuff are forms of smokeless tobacco.
Chewing Tobacco and Snuff Tobacco products that are made from chopped tobacco leaves and placed between the gums and cheeks.
Definitions Continued… Carcinogen: a chemical that causes cancer. Tar: a sticky, thick fluid that is formed when tobacco is burned. (major cause of lung cancer) Carbon Monoxide: an odorless, tasteless gas. (interferes with the ability of blood to carry oxygen)
Good Lung Click the link below: pcqKcY0&feature=related&safe=active
Bad Lung Smokers are ten times as likely to get lung cancer and emphysema as non-smokers.
Smoking & chewing tobacco are the main cause of cancers of the tongue, salivary gland, mouth, pharynx and for brown teeth.
Nicotine causes the blood clots & development of plaque which leads to Risk of heart attack. Tobacco smokers suffer more fractures due to higher rate of Osteoporosis (Decreased bone density).
Emphysema A condition in which the alveoli lose most of their ability to function. (lungs lose their ability to properly inflate and hold air)
Side stream Smoke: smoke that enters the air from a burning cigarette, cigar, or pipe. (similar to secondhand smoking) Mainstream Smoke: smoke that is inhaled into the smoker’s mouth and lungs. Secondhand Smoke- tobacco smoke that is exhaled by smokers or is given off by burning tobacco and is inhaled by persons nearby
Health Podcast Listen to Health Podcast: – Lesson 3 - Promoting a Smoke-Free Environment Lesson 3 - Promoting a Smoke-Free Environment Click the link below: /student_view0/uni t7/chapter20/health_podcasts.html /student_view0/uni t7/chapter20/health_podcasts.html
Resistant Skills Use assertive behavior Give reasons for saying “NO” to tobacco Use nonverbal behavior to match verbal behavior Avoid being in situations in which there will be pressure to use tobacco Avoid being with people who use tobacco Resist pressure to engage in illegal behavior
How Do I Quit using Tobacco products? List the reasons you want to quit Decide when you want to quit Make a health behavior contract Get help from a health care professional Throw away all tobacco products Avoid weight gain Keep your guard up
Tobacco Cessation Program A program to help a person stop smoking or using smokeless tobacco.
Health Podcast Listen to Health Podcast: – Lesson 2 - Choosing to Live Tobacco-Free Lesson 2 - Choosing to Live Tobacco-Free Listen to Health Podcast: /student_view0/uni t7/chapter20/health_podcasts.html /student_view0/uni t7/chapter20/health_podcasts.html
The Tobacco Industry Masters of Manipulation They need about 450 new smokers per day to replace those who have quit or died You are considered “replacement smokers”
Tobacco in Movies & Music Does “Seeing” Really Lead to “Doing?” Superman II - $45,000 for product placement
From 1998 to 2008, the U.S. cigarette advertising and promotions budgets grew by from $6.7 billion to $9.9 billion From 1998 to 2008, the U.S. smokeless tobacco advertising and promotions budgets more than tripled growing from $145.5 million to $547.9 million In 2008, the tobacco companies spent $10.5 billion marketing cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products –That is $29 million dollars per day!
Youth - 2 X as likely to be influenced by movie advertising than by peer pressure TC Companies work very hard to get brand depiction in movies Groups working towards anti-smoking warnings on DVD’s
Assignment 1. Identify and list the different strategies companies use in their advertisement. How? Humor, sensory appeal, fantasy, fact vs. opinion, testimonial, ext) 2. What is the name of the product? 3. What type of tobacco is being sold? 4. Is there a slogan? If so, what is it? 5. Who do you think is the audience for your advertisement? How can you tell 6. Does the ad give reason to use the product? What’s the reason? 7. Does the ad make unbelievable claims? 8. Does the ad give useful information about long-term and short-term effects of tobacco use? 9. Why is experimenting with tobacco risky for teens?