By: Maddy Dunagan
Long Live Tobacco Indians were first to learn about tobacco and smoke it.
Making Tobacco Curing is the way you fix up tobacco to make it able to smoke it and chew it like everyone does now and days. There is fire, sun, flue, and air curing all styles make it different.
Smoking A lot of people do but in the next few slides you’ll see why its not a good choice!!!!):
Smoking Hazards in the Air When you smoke you put chemicals in the air that hurt you and others!!!
Smoking in you! O: Before you start smoking your lungs are perfectly healthy! After they get shriveled up and can get lung cancer !!
2 Hand Smoking!! When you smoke around others your filling them with smoke 2!! I don’t think you want your kids around it!!!
Chewing Tobacco is just as bad as Smoking it!!!
Chewing Tobacco rots your teeth and can cause infections!!!