Monday: Read for 10 minutes; Write numbers 0-20 Tuesday Read for 10 minutes; Write about 2 things you want to do during your vacation break next week. Make sure your sentences begin with a capital, have proper spacing, and has punctuation at the end. Wednesday Read for 10 minutes. Write any 5 words you want and write how many syllables are in each word. Thursday Read for 10 minutes; Write 2 sentences about oviparous animals. HOMEWORK : **Homework should not exceed 15 minutes daily. **Log books read on your bookworm. ** Send your child’s HW journal to school every FRIDAY for checking. LANGUAGE: Our discovery of “ Amazing Creatures” continues.. Our butterflies are free! Last Friday, we enjoyed a “school wide release” as all classes came together to release our butterflies. What a great “hands-on” experience and discovery of the life cycle process. This week, we are discussing OVIPAROUS animals! We will explore how chickens aren’t the only ones who lay eggs… most fish, amphibians, birds and reptiles lay eggs too. Our high frequency word for this week is: has. Academic Vocabulary : oviparous, hatch, reptile, amphibian, eggshell, life cycle, spring MATH : We begin Unit 6 this week: Place Value and Exploring Teen Numbers. The students will understand the foundation of place value as it relates to numbers They will be able to compose and decompose numbers into ten ones and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones by using drawings or objects. Be sure to read the “Math Message” for helpers and an understanding of this unit. Announcements & Reminders : (Continued on next page… please read carefully.) WHAT HAPPENS AFTER KINDERGARTEN? We will be having a meeting FRIDAY, APRIL 10 at 10 AM to discuss all of the options for your child for next year. This will be a valuable meeting, especially if you have any concerns regarding your child’s progress or readiness for first grade. Several teachers will share information and answer questions regarding “What Happens after Kindergarten?” We hope to see you there. (Front office will have the location of the meeting.) **REPORT CARDS were sent home last week. Please sign and return the white envelope. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s progress, please call the office to schedule a conference. Our Spring Party is Thursday, March 26 th from 12:30-1:30. Parents are invited to attend. We’re making ice cream sundaes and going on an egg hunt! If you signed up to bring something, please contact me if you cannot send in your item by this Wednesday. Please do not forget to Send in 12 plastic eggs filled with goodies. The students are so excited! March 23-27, 2015 Dates to Remember : March 24- Spring Pictures March 26- Spring Party, Kindergarten 12:30-1:30 March 30-April 6 Spring Holiday, No School April 7- School Re-opens April 10- What Happens After K? Meeting 10 AM April 16- PTA Meeting 9:30 am April Book Fair April 21- Gallery Night/General PTA Mtg 5:30 April 24- Field Day May 13- Kindergarten Performance 10am & 1:30
Announcements and Reminders Continued: (Please read carefully… So much information this time of year!) EACH STUDENT TO SEND IN 12 PLASTIC EGGS WITH GOODIES BY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 th. For our kindergarten EGG HUNT to be a success on the day of the party, we are asking that each student send in 12 plastic eggs already stuffed with goodies. Eggs may be stuffed with candy or small trinkets. Please no chocolate, money, or bubble gum. Thank you for your help in advance!! Send in your stuffed plastic eggs by Wednesday, March 25th. SAVE THE DATE! Wednesday, May 13 th will be our end of the year Kindergarten Performance. For your convenience, we will have two parent performances for you to choose to attend. There will be a morning performance at 10:00A.M. and the afternoon performance is at 1:30 P.M. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED… We are in need of your expertise! Do you know how to tie-dye shirts…are you creative in stage decorations, or do you just have some time to spare? For the show to be a success, we are in need of a few parents from each teacher’s class to volunteer their time or talent. Please send me a note if you are available to help. KINDERGARTEN PERFORMANCE T-SHIRTS : Each child will wear a class tie-dyed t-shirt. We are asking that each parent send in $3.00 CASH so that we may purchase the t-shirts and paint. Please send CASH ONLY for this project. Please send in money and form with t-shirt size by Thursday, April 17 th. If you would like to send in a little extra to help defray the cost of paint and extra t-shirts, it would be appreciated! REMINDER : School will be closed for the Spring Break holiday March 30, 2015 through April 6, School will re-open Tuesday, April 7, March 23-27, 2015 s