How will you die? lqkjZAhttps:// lqkjZA
Public Health the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private organizations, communities and individuals
Includes aspects of –environmental health, –community health, –behavioral health, –health economics, –public policy, –insurance, – medicine
Role: to improve health and quality of life –Disease prevention hand washing, breastfeeding, vaccinations, condom distribution –Disease treatment –Surveillance –Mental health
What’s new Ottawa Public Health Flu Clinics Rabies West Nile Virus Ottawa Public Health 2011 Annual Report2011 Annual Report Healthy Eating, Active Living and Healthy Weights in Ottawa, 2012 Clinics, classes and drop-ins The Sexual Health Centre Prenatal classes Food handler certification Baby Express and Breastfeeding Support Drop-ins Immunization clinics Popular topics Update your child’s immunization record Restaurant inspections ACESS and other services to help people quit smoking Try the “Check Your Drinking” self assessment tool Food recalls and advisories for Ottawa Dental services Highlights Healthy Smiles Ontario How to protect yourself and your family from Salmonella Let's Clear the Air: A renewed strategy for a smoke-free Ottawa
What IS a Public Health Issue? -Has a negative effect on more than a few individuals -Could affect a larger group of people if not controlled -PHAC website
Another approach to public health and infections yapes&list=PLC45C4EFB407661B7&inde x=33https:// yapes&list=PLC45C4EFB407661B7&inde x=33
What do YOU think is a current issue? 1.Is it affecting more than a few individuals? 2.Is it something that could affect a larger group if not controlled? 3.Does it negatively affect a group of people?
Some examples....
Let’s make our day harder... Lil4c0nhttps:// Lil4c0n
are artificial sweeteners bad for you? do safe-injection clinics save lives? are vaccines causing autism? are organic foods healthier than GM foods? are deodorants causing breast cancer? does vitamin C prevent colds? are mosquito nets a good way of preventing malaria? are our current farming practices causing food disease outbreaks? is Canada ready for another flu pandemic? are nutritional supplements healthy for you? does consuming extra protein help you build muscle? are eggs unhealthy? is processed food bad for you? are non-nutrient food additives bad for you? what causes allergies? are “cleanse” diets good for you? WHAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW???!!!
The Final Inch...