Friday, January 16, 2015 School will be closed on Monday, January 19 to observe the MLK Holiday.
Winter Ball is almost here! The Mardi Gras themed event will be held at the Foley Civic Center on Saturday, January 31 st from 8-11 pm. Tickets are $13 and are on sale today in Mrs. Lurwig’s room 208 or Mrs. Cody’s room 210. Outside Date Approval Forms are also available from Ms. Lurwig in room 208. You must complete a guest approval form before purchasing your tickets. Get ready—Winter Ball is almost here!
There will be an Interact meeting on Wednesday immediately after school in Mrs. Styron’s room, room 803.
Mrs. K has long sleeved senior t-shirts for sale for $20. Also, juniors and seniors, Mrs. K has extra powder puff tshirts for sale for just $15. See her in room 207 if you are interested in either of these items.
Seniors: if you are interested in going on the senior trip to Universal Studios and Disney World, your $100 deposit is due by January 31st. If you need any information on the trip, you can see Mrs. K. in room 207 for more information.
Seniors: submit your baby photos to Mrs. Styron in room 803 if you want to be included in the yearbook. Also, Senior Cap and Gown pictures are Thursday. There is a $20 sitting fee.
Seniors and juniors, your Air Force recruiter, TSgt Clark will be in the library on Thursday during all four lunch waves. Juniors, you are extremely high on TSgt Clark's radar. Please make plans to stop by and find out what the Air Force has to offer you.
Seniors: your Balfour orders are in! Wednesday morning, during 1st block, you will be called alphabetically to the cafeteria to pick up your items. Make sure you are here!