The Planetary State of Health rKj4
The Four Conditions of Life The four unique conditions that make earth the only planet in the solar system capable of sustaining life are: Constant and relatively mild TEMPERATURE Abundance of WATER Lots of GASES such as oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide Thick ATMOSPHERE to protect all living things from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation
The Four Spheres
The Biosphere Meaning LIFE ALL LIFE, from the simplest bacterium to complex human beings
Pictures and videos of Biospheres 9rTUyI&feature=fvsr LVeIc&feature=related
The Hydrosphere Meaning WATER It consists of ALL the liquid WATER on earth….simple It includes the oceans, seas, lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. The hydrosphere covers about 70% of the surface of the Earth and is the home for many plants and animals.
Pictures and videos of the Hydrosphere atch?v=16M1NgbkJao&featu re=fvw
The Lithosphere Made up of the earth’s CRUST Includes all soil materials such as : the soil, rocks and minerals. It is thought to be between 60 and 100 km deep
Lithosphere pictures and videos atch?v=wS5aUvEk_W0&feat ure=related v=3xLiOFjemWQ&feature=fvw
The Rock Cycle ?v=F-h7G0h9Ip0&feature=relate ?v=F-h7G0h9Ip0&feature=relate
The Atmosphere The AIR Composed of all the gases in the AIR and held in place by gravity…or else they would float away and we would die The atmosphere is composed primarily of nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%)
The Atmosphere
Cycles of our Biosphere Water cycle, carbon cycle, oxygen cycle and nitrogen cycle. Ecosystem-well defined habitat or environment. an area within the natural environment that functions with plants and animals, within the same habitat. Can also be natural or man made (Eg. Pond)
The Carbon Cycle The movement of carbon from the atmosphere into plants, animals, soil and then back into the atmosphere. When too much carbon is trapped within the earth’s atmosphere, it leads to global warming. m/watch?v=0Vwa6qtEih 8 m/watch?v=0Vwa6qtEih 8
The Oxygen Cycle m/watch?v=5sbzjw0ngV E m/watch?v=5sbzjw0ngV E Simple and straight forward
The Nitrogen Cycle Nitrogen in its natural form is not a use to living things and must be converted to ammonia and nitrates (aka protein) by microscopic bacteria that live on the roots of certain plants like alfalfa, peas, beans and clover. (Fish Tanks) tch?v=1XC7xT0mIbY
The Water Cycle The water cycle is a closed system with distinct steps…. Evaporation, condensation, precipitation and infiltration.
Food for our Planet The future of the earth is in our hands All of the cycles act together and depend on each other to make food for the planet and for us. We are part of these cycles. The constant recycling needs to exist on earth to sustain life.