Unknown author; possibly one Christian author in Anglo-Saxon England Unknown date of composition The Anglo-Saxon period ranges from and is the earliest recorded period of English history. ORIGINS
The story had been in circulation as an oral narrative for approximately 300 years before it was written down. Beowulf marks the beginning of English literature. ORIGINS
Fierce, hardy life of warrior and sailors Strength, courage, leadership abilities appreciated Boisterous yet elaborately ritualized customs of the mead- hall Expected the hero to boast ANGLO-SAXON CULTURE
Good defeats evil Wergild--restitution for murder or expect revenge from victim’s relatives Boasts must be backed with actions. Fate is in control Fair fights are the only honorable fights ANGLO-SAXON CULTURE
Strong Courageous Loyal Desires fame Generous ANGLO-SAXON HERO
Folk Epic Told out loud, usually by scops Unknown author Unknown dates Beowulf is a folk epic because we don’t know who wrote it Literary Epic Known author Paradise Lost, by John Milton, is a literary epic because we know who wrote it. TYPES OF EPICS
Invokes a muse-inspiration provided by the gods usually in the form of a beautiful woman or through music Plot begins in the middle of the action Serious tone Motifs – a motif is a recurring theme or image in a work of literature Biblical and Christian Allusions Pagan Customs Social Customs EPIC CONVENTIONS
Epic hero – a character with a trait or characteristic that is valued by his society Quest – A journey through which the character or the reader learns something Valorous Deeds – Doing something bravely Divine Intervention – The hand of God (or gods) help the hero, proving his value Great events – The hero has a hand in something important in the history or mythology of a culture. ELEMENTS OF AN EPIC
Allusion : References to Germanic oral tradition, Norse mythology and legend, historical Anglo-Saxon kings Alliteration: Repetition of a beginning syllable. Makes the poem easier to remember and read. (ex. S cyld’s s trong s on) Epic poetry : a long narrative poem written in elevated style which celebrates the deeds of a legendary hero or god. Kenning : two-word metaphorical name for something (ex. whale-road=sea) LITERARY DEVICES
Caesura: pause or break in a line of poetry (ex. “Oft to the wanderer weary of exile”) Epithet: descriptive name to characterize something (ex. “keen-edge sword”) Hyperbole: exaggeration LITERARY DEVICES
Beo means “bright” or “noble”; also means “bear”; can also mean “bee” Wulf means “wolf” TITLE OF THE EPIC POEM
He fights for personal honor, but is committed to service to his own people and humanity. A superhuman Epic hero Geat (from southern Sweden) Nephew of Higlac (King at story’s start) Sails to Denmark to help Hrothgar THE CHARACTER OF BEOWULF
Good vs. Evil The influence of fate on one’s life outcomes The importance of establishing an identity that will be remembered throughout history Tension between Heroic Code and Christianity Significance of artifacts and historical objects THEMES
This tension is at the heart of the poem Pagan history and myth are made to point to a Christian moral Beowulf is poised between two value systems CONFLICT BETWEEN CHRISTIAN VALUES AND HEROIC VALUES
Relationship between king and his warriors The king rewards his warriors with gifts If a kinsman is slain, obligation to kill the slayer or obtain payment, called Wergild, in compensation HEROIC VALUES
Comitatus: Germanic code of loyalty Thane: warrior – swears loyalty to the king for whom they fought and whom they protected Kings: generous, protected thanes Reputation: thanes were expected to be loyal, brave, courageous; kings were expected to be generous and hospitable WARRIOR CODE
Star Wars Lord of the Rings Harry Potter MODERN EPICS