Specifications For Accident Prevention Signs And Tags 1910.145
Definition Sign – Surface on prepared for the warning of, or safety instructions of, industrial workers or members of the public who may be exposed to hazards. Excludes – News releases, safety posters and bulletin boards.
Sign Classification Danger Caution Safety Instruction
Danger Signs No variation in sign design. Employees shall be instructed that danger signs indicate Immediate danger & special precautions are necessary.
Caution Signs Used to warn against potential hazards or caution against unsafe work practices Employees shall be instructed that caution signs indicate Possible Hazard and proper precautions should be taken.
Safety Instruction Used where there is a need for general instructions and suggestions relative to safety measures
Sign Design Rounded or Blunt corners No sharp edges, burrs, or splinters
Slow Moving Vehicle Fluorescent yellow-orange triangle Dark red reflective border Used only on vehicles moving 25 mph or less
Sign Wording Easily read and concise Easily Understood Positive, not negative in wording Accurate
Biological Hazard Warn of actual or potential hazard Identify equipment, containers, rooms and materials that contain hazards or contaminated.
Tags Contain signal word Readable at five feet Use pictograph, text or both Employees informed on meaning
Thank you Proceed with caution