F UNDAMENTAL W ORTH OF T HE I NDIVIDUAL Each person’s worth and dignity must be recognized and respected by all other individuals and by society Some societies disregard or push aside individuals who do not “measure up” to govt. or society expectations
N EEDS OF A F EW S OMETIMES S ET A SIDE ? By necessity, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. At the same time, the individual and their needs MUST be taken into account and respected.
E QUALITY OF A LL P ERSONS “…All men are created equal…” The rights of all people are shared equally Equality of opportunity and equality under the law It does NOT mean that the conditions of each person are to be equal Physical and economic differences, for example, are not what is meant by equality Some people will always seem to have life easier
W HY IS M AJORITY R ULE N ECESSARY ? It is impossible to grant all things to all people The majority of the people will more often be right than wrong Majority opinion will USUALLY serve the best interest of the most people Majority rule must always be held in check by preserving the rights of the minority
M INORITY R IGHTS UNDER M AJORITY R ULE The majority must always be willing to listen to the minority’s argument, to hear their objections and criticisms and to welcome suggestions
W HAT IS A C OMPROMISE ? Compromise – the process of blending and adjusting, or reconciling competing views and interests, in order to find the position most acceptable to largest number An effort being placed on the give and take scenario in order to find what will work best
TWO REASONS WHY COMPROMISE IS NECESSARY 1. The equality of all people against majority rule and minority rights 2. Most public policy questions have many valid solutions and some answer must be found
W HAT D OES I NDIVIDUAL F REEDOM P ROMISE ? The freedom to do as we wish as far the freedom of all will allow
L IMITS ON I NDIVIDUAL F REEDOM Individual freedoms end where they begin to detract from the rights of others “The right to swing my fists ends where the other person’s nose begins”
A NARCHY The total absence of government No limits placed on personal freedom Chaos that will lead to rule by the strongest Anarchy cannot exist in a democracy because… We have all the other basic concepts discussed.