Bell Ringer! What does the 4 th of July mean to you?
Declaration of Independence John Adams Ben Franklin Jefferson Roger Sherman Robert Livingston
Don’t forget to cite your sources ! (AKA…ME!!)
What did it say? The Declaration justified the independence of the United States by listing colonial complaints against King George III Asserted certain natural rights (rights that all Americans should have, regardless of who your family is or how much $ you have) Right of Revolution!
Excerpt 1 – Preamble It is necessary that we become independent and we will explain to the world why
Excerpt 2 – Section 1 All men are equal and have rights – life, liberty and the ability to be happy
Excerpt 3 – Section 1 The purpose of government is to protect our rights, government gets its power from the approval of the people
Excerpt 4 – Section 1 If a government takes away your basic rights, you have the power to change it or destroy it and create a new government
Excerpt 5 – Section 1 King George has a long record of abusing his power and he is a bully to the colonies
Excerpt 6 – Section 2 Here are the facts – he has refused to approve laws that are needed
Excerpt 7 – Section 2 During this time, colonists have repeatedly asked for relief, but their requests have only brought more suffering – he is unfit to be our ruler
Excerpt 8 – Section 3 We announce that we are (and have every right to be) free and independent states!
Homework! Jefferson and slavery – do some research on your own, find at least 5 facts relating to Jefferson and slavery Try to find facts that will help you answer: – What were Jefferson’s views on slavery? – What did he mean by the words “All men are created equal?”
“ALL MEN CREATED EQUAL”? What SHOULD this mean? What did it ACTUALLY mean at this time? What were Jefferson’s views on equality? What did Jefferson mean by “all men created equal”?
Presidents and Slavery
Monticello (Jefferson’s home and slave plantation)
monticello monticello