Credits Study of Mark: Chris Reeves Maps: History and Geography of the Bible Story General Information Compiled by Jack Wheeler – Clovis Ca 1
The Life of Christ Matthew Mark Luke John 2
Mark: “Jesus the Sacrificial Servant” – The Servant Presented (1:1 – 1:45) – The Servant Opposed (2:1 – 8:26) – The Servant Teaches (8:27 – 10:52) – The Servant Rejected (11:1 – 15:47) – (Item first mentioned in Chapter 16) – The Servant Exalted (16:1-20) He arose (16:1-8) He appeared (16:9-18) He ascended (16:19-20) 3
Mark 11:1-11 Sunday Triumphal entry into Jerusalem, left for Bethany Mark 11:12-19 Monday Cursing of the barren fig tree, cleansing the temple Mark 11:20- 14:11 Tuesday Teaching in the temple, fall of Jerusalem foretold, anointing at Bethany Wednesday Nothing mentioned in any of the Gospels Mark 14:12-42 Thursday Passover meal prepared and eaten, Gethsemane Mark 14:43 – 15:47 Friday Betrayal, arrest, trial, scourging, crucifixion, death, burial Mark 16:1 Saturday Burial, spices prepared Mark 16:2-14 Sunday Resurrection, appearances to followers The Final Week of Jesus’ Public Ministry 4
1 1. Entry into Jerusalem (Sunday) 2. Cleansing of the temple (Monday) 3. Day of teaching (Tuesday) 4. No activity recorded (Wednesday) 5. Passover meal (Thursday) 6. Trial (a), crucifixion (b) (Friday) 7. Burial (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) 8. Resurrection (Sunday) a 6b
The Resurrection Appearances of Jesus 1. Mary Magdalene 2. Other women 3. Peter 4. Two Emmaeus travelers 5. Ten disciples 6. Eleven disciples 7. Seven disciples fishing 8. Eleven disciples brethren 10. James the Lord’s brother 11. Disciples watched ascension 12. Saul of Tarsus Scripture References 1. Mark16: Matthew 28: Luke 24:34 4. Luke 24: John 20: John 20: John 21: Matthew 28: Corinthians 15: Corinthians 15:7 11. Acts 1: Acts 9:3-6,27 6